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I step off the Hogwarts express, grabbing my suitcases and walking to the end of the platform. There, I apparate, and within seconds I'm back on the street I grew up in, grinning as I remember how many months it had been since I was last here.

I was home for the summer holidays - the end of the school year and I realised me and Theo couldn't have gotten engaged at a better time. Our last school year was next year and after that we were free to live our lives as we pleased. But right now, I was grateful to have 2 months at home, long enough for my parents to come to terms with it all.

As I walk, I pass the familiar sign reading: GREAT OAK LANE.

I glance down at the ring on my finger, remembering my promise to Theo before I left. I was going to tell my parents the truth - that I loved him and we were now engaged. But I still sought their blessing for this marriage.

If they weren't happy, then I could never be.

My parents had sacrificed a lot for me. All throughout my life, so I had to take their feelings into account too.

As I near my house, I can see the tall building towering over the nearby trees. It's still early morning, so the pink sunlight makes the big lake beside the house sparkle and the ducks begin to wake from their sleep, returning to the water. The large silver slab on the wall gleams as the light hits it, the name 'Salvatore' engraved into it. It still looked shiny and new and yet it had been there all my life and longer. I open the large front gates, crouching down when I finally reach the door and picking up a copy of the daily prophet. I frown, confused and then shocked as I read the headlines.

'Lucius Malfoy - famous millionaire, esteemed Ministry member and Governor of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry just confirmed his divorce with the well known Narcissa Black! What will become of the two and their son?'

I sigh, shaking my head as I read the article. Why were people so invested in others lives? Who else's business was it if they were divorced? I always found it quite sad to be honest - these people needed more than a life.

My eyes widen as I read the last sentence on the page.

'After an interview with Mr Malfoy and a personal talk that I won't mention the details of, I realised he was lucky to be free of such a toxic relationship and I'm always here for him should he ever need a friend to open up to again... or something more - Rita Skeeter.'

I fight a smirk as I overcome the urge to laugh out loud. It seems Rita Skeeter had a crush.

I'm about to put the paper back down and enter the house when I notice a picture on the next page. A couple embracing each other, laughing as they kiss, and smiling at the camera. I gasp at the realisation - reading the text under it.

'A happy young couple spotted in Hogsmeade yesterday, embracing after a crowd had appeared to watch the lucky boy propose!" 

It was me and Theo!

I can't believe it - we made the second page of the daily prophet?!

I laugh, smiling happily as I put the paper in my bag, opening the door before me. I figured it was best to keep this hidden until I had actually told my parents myself.

I enter the house, the warmth hitting me straight away as I close the door behind me. I leave my suitcases in the hallway, slowly approaching the living room. When I enter, I see my mum stood on the other side of the room, holding my dads hand as he leans on the fireplace, his head lowered. I realise they are talking in hushed voices, the worry clear on both their faces.

I feel my heart drop - did they know already?

I clear my throat, causing them both to turn. Their eyes widen in shock, disbelief and I swear, I see fear in them too.

"Sarah?" My mum says, staring at me as though as I'm not real and she's hallucinating. "You're back early..?"

"Surprise..?" I laugh, opening my arms as she rushes forward, pulling me close to her. She holds me tightly... so tight it's almost painful.

When she finally lets go, I walk to my dad, hugging him too but he merely embraces me lightly, making me frown but I don't say anything. They were both acting strange but I wouldn't mention it - we had more important things to discuss first.

My mum sits me down on the sofa and my father sits opposite us in his armchair. After having a bit of small talk, I take a deep breath.

"I have something to tell you both," I say and they both look emotionless. "We have..." my dad trails off, clearing his throat. "Something to tell you too."

I raise my eyebrows, "Oh alright, well shall I go first?" He looks to my mum but she's staring at her hands in her lap, dazed.

"Yes," says dad, disregarding my mother as he turns back to me, a small smile on his face. I put my hands on my lap, glancing at the ring on my finger with a smile. "I'm engaged."

My mother's head shoots up in shock as she stares at me, her face dropping until she starts to breathe heavily, looking to my father for guidance. He stares right at me, his eyes wide and utterly shocked. I feel my heart squeeze in fear.

"When did this happen?" He asks, making me swallow.

"Yesterday," I say softly. "Theo proposed yesterday."

"And you..." my father grips the armchair, making me shiver almost in fear. "Said yes?"

There's no reaction for a moment before I nod, looking at my mother as she holds her head in her hands. Father stands abruptly, returning to his spot in front of the fire. "This marriage is not possible," he simply says and I feel the tears begin to fall as I plead. "But father, you need to understand-"

"No Sarah, you need to understand," he booms, turning round to face me. My mother is sobbing now and I don't understand why. It feels as though I was telling them I was already married - why were they reacting like this?

"Father, please..." I sob, clasping my hands tightly together. "I came here for your blessing, not to go against your wishes."

"Then you will not marry that boy and that's final." He replies in a calm voice, and I can tell something else is on his mind.

"I'm sorry father," I look him in the eye, tears staining my cheeks. "All my life, I have fulfilled your every wish, obeyed your every command and done whatever it was you wanted me to do." I see the guilt in his eyes, my mother's quiet sobs growing louder. "But if not him, then I'll never marry."

My father shakes his head slowly, staring into space as he says, "Yes. You will."

"I promise you, I won't."

I feel my heart break into two.

"You will," he repeats, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"Because you have been betrothed to another."

Bound By Honour (Lucius Malfoy) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now