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"It would seem we have lost one of our best," Voldermort hisses, stroking Nagini gently. "But Fenrir will always be remembered. As a truly loyal man."

Many murmurs of agreement are heard around the table, everyone paying their respects to their late friend.

Lucius sits at the table in silence, his fingers nervously tapping the wood beneath them as he remembers what it felt like to plunge his dagger into Fenrir's chest and watch him bleed.

If only they knew.

A few moments later and Voldermort changes the subject to the death eaters tasks, asking everyone on their progress.

He goes round the table, Lucius almost shaking nervously as he waits his turn. He knew this day would come, but he never thought he would feel so worried and angered to allow the dark lord control over his son. He loved his child more than he thought, and Lucius didn't even think it was possible for him to love someone so much.

Finally, he reaches him.

"Ah, Lucius. It seems news of your task has already spread, I see no need to ask on your progress," he hisses, a cold smile on his face.

"How is your son?"

Lucius looks up slowly, his heart racing. "He's fine, my lord. Perfectly healthy and well."

"That is astonishing news," you know who replies, a sickening grin on his pale lips. "I wish to meet him."

A cold sweat falls upon Lucius as he stares at his master, everyone's eyes on him. He feels a fear like never before.

"Yes, of course..." he stands from his seat. "I'll get him."

Voldermort nods, watching as Lucius leaves the room swiftly, rushing down the hallways, searching for his son. He reaches the kitchens, walking in to see Sarah cuddling her baby, feeding him with joy as her and Milly laugh at his little smirks and giggles.

Sarah looks up at her husband, her eyes slowly lighting up at the sight of him, against her will. "Lucius," she says. "That was quick, is the meeting over already?"

He stares at her, speechless for a moment. Sarah frowns, waiting for him to speak.

"He wants to see him."

He watches her eyes, instantly dimming as she realises why he was here. As she cradles her baby in her arms, he notices her hold on him grows tighter, protective of her son.

"No." She says simply, Milly looking at them both in worry. "Tell him he's asleep."

"He won't stop, Sarah. He will have to see him sooner or later," Lucius says, trying not to raise his voice in anger.

He was still furious with Sarah, after seeing her with Theo and allowing him to hold their child it seemed he had lost his soft spot for her. Or rather, he had tried to lose it.

He still kept her safe, at all times, and to his dismay his heart still lifted a little every time she would smile or laugh. And then it would fall back down just as quick when he remembered she loved him.

Sarah stares at Lucius for a moment, her mind whirring with thoughts as she struggles to find a solution. She looks down at Silas, holding her baby close as he smiles at her.

"He only wants to see him, that's all. And I'll be there the whole time, he cannot be harmed." Lucius assures her and she looks back at him.

"Fine, but I'm coming with him."

Lucius nods, opening the kitchen door for them and she walks out, holding her baby close to her chest. They walk through the hallways, both of their hearts racing as they fear for their son.

Bound By Honour (Lucius Malfoy) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now