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I lay on the sofa, reading my book in peace and within moments, I find myself lost in the world of fiction. I read about a young girl, who falls in love with her father's nemesis before eloping with him, escaping her family for years as she lives with her lover peacefully in the countryside.

I get to chapter 34 - where she finds out she is pregnant with his child and they are both over the moon, reminiscing of the times they were the worst of enemies and now they were having their first child together. I sigh heavily, wishing I had felt like that when I had found out. I was the total opposite.

As if on cue, Silas begins to cry after waking from his nap, and I go to fold the corner of my page quickly before realising it already was. I frown, looking at the title of the chapter: 'Enemies to Lovers'.

I see a date scribbled on the corner of the page in small writing and I squint to read it - 30/7/98

Mine and Lucius's wedding anniversary.

I had gotten the book from the Manor library, but I had thought no one had read it before. After all, it was a romance, and I highly doubted Draco or his father would have been interested in it.

I thought it was Narcissa's. That would have made more sense, but who had written our anniversary date on the page?

I put down the book, dropping the matter and I reach into the crib beside me, picking up my baby and holding him to my chest. "Shh... you're okay, darling."

He whimpers and I lay him on my lap, resting him on my propped up knees. "Did you have a nightmare?" I ask, and he whines softly, blinking the tears off his lashes.

I smile in awe.

"Oh baby, it's alright. Mummy's here," I coo and he watches me as I speak, completely entranced by my voice. I don't notice Lucius standing in the doorway, listening in.

"We all have nightmares, darling. But they're not real, and they never will be," I explain, his big eyes flicking between my lips as I speak and my eyes as I blink.

"It's all in our minds, all of it. All the fear and the worry... it's not real." Silas blinks again, grasping my finger with his tiny hand and I can tell he's listening, so I continue.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, baby. Mummy will always be here to protect you," I say, taking a deep breath. "And if I'm not here one day, then Daddy will keep you safe. He loves you more than anything, I can tell."

Lucius smiles from behind me, listening in content.

"And Draco too, your amazing big brother who loves you very much. You'll never be alone darling," I tell him softly.

"We're all gonna be here to protect you. And you know why?" He looks up, babbling quietly as he waits for me to speak again. I chuckle, nodding slowly.

"Yes that's right, because you're our little boy."

His eyes go wide before he sneezes, making me giggle.

"You're so silly aren't you, Si," I smile and he babbles again at my nickname for him, looking around the room. His eyes catch Lucius's and he starts to whine again, wishing to be picked up by his father.

Lucius walks in, pretending as though he had heard him crying from the other room.

I look at him, holding eye contact before looking away, stroking Silas's head gently. However he starts to fuss.

I talk to him gently, trying to calm him as I hold him to my chest but that doesn't work either.

"I can take him," Lucius offers and I glance up at him. "Are you sure?"

Bound By Honour (Lucius Malfoy) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now