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Taking a deep breath, I put on my crystal earrings in front of the mirror, fastening them tightly. The dripping diamonds glisten beautifully in the light of my room, like a tiny burst of starlight.

I stand, straightening my dress and staring at my reflection in the glass as it stares back. The dress was gorgeous - it was white fabric with tiny specks of silver glitter that shone in the dim light. The shoulders draped down, exposing my naked collar and there was a long slit up the leg, stopping at my upper thigh. The whole thing was pulled at the waist, tightly wrapped around my small figure and my shoes matched perfectly - the same white with crystal bows on the front.

Tears form in my eyes as I remember the reason I had bought this dress.

I was planning on running away, eloping with Theo and marrying him in secret. This, as my wedding dress.

I was planning on living my dream.

And then... I realised it was not my fathers job to pay the price.

I swiftly pull my dark hair back and fashion myself a low messy bun that sits on the back of my neck. A few loose strands of hair escape, adding to the natural elegant look I seem to have pulled off.

And yet, as much as I looked beautiful, I didn't feel it.

I blink, wondering what I would give to swap places with the girl in the glass - a mere reflection of me.

... Almost anything.

I'm awaken from my thoughts when my door opens slowly, Lucius stepping in without a care in the world.

He's wearing his favourite black robes, but of course. And his hair is pulled back neatly in a ponytail, a ribbon knotted in the shape of a bow holding it together.

I look away from him.

I notice he doesn't do the same, staring at every inch of my body before speaking.

"May I come in?"

I sigh, not meeting his eye. "By all means."

He enters my room, silent and yet still just as intimidating. As he stands behind me in the mirror, I feel the tension fill the room, suffocating me. I focus on putting on my jewellery - a ring on each finger - and when I look up, I catch his eye in the mirror.

They seem to have a unfamiliar spark in them. A spark I had never seen before.

"You look beautiful, Salvatore."

I stare back, the both of us refusing to break eye contact. "Thank you, Malfoy."

He nods once, still staring into my eyes as he touches my shoulders, spinning me round to face him instead of his reflection. As I stare at his deep blue eyes, his handsome face, his strands of hair that rest on his cheek... I realise I preferred the reflection a lot more.

"I wanted to thank you for saying yes to this party," he says softly. I raise my eyebrows at his attempt to be nice. He sighs, dropping his hands from my shoulders and instantly I feel cold.

"I understand that you hate the idea of..." he trails off, wondering what to say.

"People?" I ask, and he nods.

"Exactly. So thank you."

"I'm not doing this for you," I say, turning back around and fastening the lace along the back of the dress. "I'm doing it for Louise." Lucius watches me as I struggle to sort my dress, a thoughtful expression on his face. He steps closer, and I feel his breath on my back as he gently takes my hands and lowers them.

I watch in the mirror as he takes the lace, pulling it tightly, making me gasp. "They like you," he says, tying the lace.

"I know," I breathe heavily, his hands on my waist before grabbing the lace again and pulling it harder.

I breathe in sharply, falling back a little and I open my eyes, looking at the mirror and realising I'm leaning on his front. He fastens the lace and ties the last piece before grabbing my waist and resting his head on my shoulder, maintaining eye contact through the mirror.

"I trust you will behave... yes?"

I feel my thighs press together, the heat rising as he kisses my neck slowly, sucking on the skin.

"I always do," I say confidently, not letting his actions faze me.

"Good." He stands straight, stepping away from me and I nearly shudder at how cold I felt with the loss of his touch. I blink, wondering what on earth had just happened.

"Are you coming?" Says Lucius, as he stands at the door offering me his hand.

I don't take it. I simply walk past him and out of the door, into the corridor. I see Draco playing with his skateboard a few metres away and he skates over to me instantly. "Wow Sar, you look flipping amazing!"

I laugh, pushing him gently. "Thank you, but no curse words."

"What are you, my mother?" He asks with a smirk.

"No but I will tell your father. Luc-"

"Okay!" Draco stops me in a fright. "I'm sorry."

We both laugh as I fix his messy hair and comb it back with my fingers. "Is your room clean?"

"Yesss." He whines back, and I give him a look.

"It better be, Draco."

He's about to speak when we're interrupted by a cough. I turn to see Lucius stood, an annoyed expression on his face as he sees Draco on his skateboard.

"I thought I told you, no skateboard in the house!" He raises his voice sharply and I feel my blood boil as I look at Draco. He looks scared to death, cowering back in fear and apologising immediately.

"You think you can disobey your father like that, do you boy?"

He steps towards him and I quickly step in front, blocking him. "It was my fault, I told him he could."

Lucius glares at me in anger. "I think I know best how to raise my own son, without it involving you."

"Well you're not doing a very good job of it, are you?" I hiss.

He clenches his jaw, and I see his face almost turn red with anger. "We are leaving. Now."

He storms off, down the stairs and I turn to Draco.

"Thank you," he whispers. And I smile.

"Don't take no shit off him. Understand?"

He nods with a laugh.

"Sarah!" Lucius booms from the foyer.

"I need to go," I whisper and Draco smiles as I rush down the stairs and in the foyer, following Lucius out the door and into the car.

When we arrive, Lucius takes my hand and we enter the house. It was an enormous building with glistening lights everywhere, I assume for the party. The music booms loudly through the house and people are everywhere, drunk and disorderly and having the time of their lives.

I hold on to Lucius's hand tighter, pressing myself against him anytime someone walked past.

I'm about to beg Lucius to turn back when I hear a familiar voice. "Sarah! Lucius! You made it!" We both turn to see Charlie, a huge grin on his face. "Charlie, you certainly haven't forgotten how to throw a party have you?" Lucius shouts because of the music and Charlie laughs. "Of course not."

Eventually, the music turns down and Charlie hugs the both of us as a proper greeting. "You'll find Louise somewhere here," he says to me and I chuckle. "Have you lost her?"

He grins, "Can never keep hold of that women at a party."

We all laugh and Charlie hands us cups filled with firewhiskey. "Drink up lovebirds, this is only the start. There's many people here who want to congratulate you so you will have to meet them all."

"All?" I look at Lucius and he squeezes my shoulder, lifting his cup and downing the whole thing.

I close my eyes, doing the same.

Bound By Honour (Lucius Malfoy) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now