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I awaken to the sound of a door slamming shut, sitting up instantly and looking around in caution. I realise I'm sat in the manor's living room, and I must have fallen asleep on the sofa.

I remember coming down and out of my room after Milly had begged me to. She had ran a bath, helping me bathe as she washed my hair and rinsed it before drying it. Then, she fixed up a small plate of food, placing it in front of me. I didn't want to eat, but after everything Milly had done for me, it was the least I could do. I must have fallen asleep shortly afterwards.

I rub my eyes tiredly, combing my hair out of my face with my hands before settling back down on the sofa. I close my eyes, feeling myself drift off again when I hear the sound of footsteps. I open my eyes lightly to see Lucius enter the room.

He pauses, turning slightly to look at me and I frown tiredly, holding the blanket closer to me. He looks shocked for a second, probably because he hasn't seen me in days. However, he says nothing, turning back round when I realise...

His shirt is covered in blood, dripping from the cuffs, leaving a trail behind on the floor. I immediately lift up, my heart in my mouth as I rush over to him and grab his shoulders, turning him around and checking for any flesh wounds.

"Are you hurt?" I ask worriedly, looking up at him and he stares back for a moment before turning away. "No," he says and I go to protest. "But-"

"It's not my blood."

I stare at Lucius in shock, and it dawns upon me what my husband actually did do for his job. "Oh," I whisper, pulling my hands back from his chest as I step away. He looks at me blankly and I watch him, my arms folded.

Then he looks down at the blood on the floor, trying to take off his shirt but he can't. "Oh, come here," I say gently, undoing the buttons on his shirt as he watches me closely. I notice, holding eye contact with him for a moment before going behind him and lifting the fabric, so that he can take out his arms from the sleeves.

He stands before me, stretching his muscles with a small groan and I look away, going to the sink with his shirt in hand. He soon follows, standing in front of me as I run the water, taking out some cleaning products.

I dunk the shirt in the hot water, letting it soak before bringing it back up and pouring some magical powder onto it. I scrub the fabric, the blood diluting the liquid to a deep red.

I feel his eyes on me the whole time, finally looking up at him in clear frustration as he says softly, "You know your father loved you, don't you?"

I stare at him, my lips parting in shock at his words.

But nevertheless, I smile gently.

"I know," I say, wringing out his shirt and hanging it to dry. "Get some sleep," I turn away, about to leave when he calls my name.


I turn, watching as he takes a step closer.

"I'm glad you finally came out of your room," he says slowly, as if finding the words. "Draco was starting to feel lonely," he masks his true feelings behind the mention of his son, denying himself the truth.

But I don't notice.

I just smile in response, leaving him alone in the kitchen as I go to my room, getting in bed and closing my eyes.

I try to sleep, but my thoughts don't let me.

Why did he mention my father..?

I sigh, turning to one side under the duvet. I couldn't help but feel he knew something about my fathers death that I didn't.

Bound By Honour (Lucius Malfoy) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now