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I sit on my dressing table in silence, brushing my hair slowly, combing through the loose waves as they rest on my back. Sighing tiredly, I put down the brush, smirking as Binx jumps up on the table, rubbing his small head against my shoulder. I stroke him gently, closing my eyes in exhaustion.

The last 6 months had gone by rapidly, and my bump was obvious now. Many of my clothes didn't fit me anymore and every day I was growing more and more.

I place my hand on my belly, smiling when I feel my baby kick.

I didn't want children, especially with Lucius. But the thought of me holding my own baby in 3 months time definitely put a smile on my face.

I know my dad would have been the happiest man in the world.

I wipe my eyes as they start to tear up, trying not to think about my father when I hear a loud crash from downstairs, like a door being pushed open with force. I hear shouting and arguing, frowning as I try to make out the words.

Suddenly, Milly apparates in my room, and I turn quickly to look at her, an anxious expression on her face. Her big blue eyes are full of worry as she speaks. "Miss, you need to come down."

I feel my heart drop at the tone in her voice.

"What's happened now, Milly?" I ask, my hand pressed to my chest in fear.

"It's Master Malfoy," she says. "He's being taken away..."

I stare at her, the feelings of confusion, fear and despair all morphed into one. I stand from the dressing table, rushing out of my room as I run through the hallway, down the stairs and into the living room.

The first thing I notice is the 5 men stood around Lucius, 2 of them holding him as they spell him with magic so he cannot lash out. I realise very quickly they are aurors, from their neat appearances and their crisp white robes with the auror crest sewn on to the breast.

Lucius looks at me as I enter, his eyes filling with worry immediately.

"Lucius Malfoy," one of the aurors speak. "We are arresting you on suspicion of the murder of the wanted Death eater Fenrir Greyback. You may not say anything until later relied on in the ministry court, where your trial will be held until further questioning. Until then you will remain in Azkaban prison."

My eyes widen in shock as I listen to his words, confused beyond measure.

"What the hell is going on here?" I ask, the anger clear in my tone.

All the aurors turn to look at me, their faces all looking angered. "Stay out of this miss, you wouldn't want to..." all eyes suddenly go on my baby bump, many of them smirking. "Stress yourself out now, would you? Won't be good for the baby."

"I decide what is good for my baby," I hiss. "Thank you very much. And I should think that taking away it's father to Azkaban before it's even born is not good for the baby either."

The aurors chuckle amongst themselves at my words, clearly not taking me serious so I look to Lucius instead.

"It will be alright," he says, his face twisting in pain as they press a wand to his back, clearly putting some sort of spell on him. "Go back upstairs."

I give him a look as he lets out a painful groan, the wand glowing red with heat as it presses into him. I watch as the auror pushes the wand harder into his back, Lucius protesting in agony as I shout, "Stop it! Can't you see it's hurting him?"

I move forward, going to move them away when one of the men grab my arm harshly, trying to pull me back. Lucius instantly grabs my wrist, pushing the wand off his back with all his might. He pulls me to the side as he stands in front of me protectively, shielding me from them.

Bound By Honour (Lucius Malfoy) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now