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I open my eyes slowly, settling comfortably under the covers when I see Lucius beside me in the bed, our baby lost in a deep sleep on his chest. I smirk, watching as Lucius breathes slowly, his arms around Silas protectively as they both sleep.

This had been the routine for a few weeks now - Lucius bringing Silas in my room before falling asleep with him before I can say anything.

It seemed to me he knew what he was doing, coming here every night and consoling Silas, even when he wasn't being fussy. I knew he was using this as an excuse to spend the night, but weirdly, I didn't think anything bad of it.

I had no problem with Lucius sleeping in here, but unfortunately, as I had thought before, my feelings towards him were... changing.

I wasn't in love with him or anything like that, but more in love with him being a father to our child. It made me truly happy to watch his relationship with our son grow.

But was something there. Between us.

Something that frightened me more than ever.

I felt this... comfort around him. Like we were some sort of united front against anything that dared come near our son.

I was also worried that voldermort would turn up at any time now, arriving to put a claim on our newborn child. It seemed me and Lucius were far more closer to Silas than we had both anticipated, and somehow I knew this would prove to be a problem. Sooner or later, he would call upon our son to serve him and I didn't want that.

And something told me Lucius didn't want it either.

I close my eyes, drifting off to sleep again as I try to clear my mind of these worries, and all the other things too.

* * *

"Where shall we go next, Silas?" I ask my baby, a smile on my face as I push the stroller through the marketplace. Silas babbles at my voice and I chuckle.

"You're not proving to be much of a help now, are you?"

He blinks innocently at me with his big blue eyes, as he cuddles his teddy in his tiny arms and I lean in to stroke his cheek. "Don't worry, you're forgiven."

I search the stalls for a gift, something I could give to Draco for winning his last quidditch tournament. He had rushed home to tell me yesterday and I felt bad I couldn't give him my attention, unfortunately since Silas had been crying all day for his father.

It was hard now that Lucius had gone back to work - Silas was always fussing, clearly not used to the absence of his dad.

I stop the stroller as I hover over a stall, spotting a dark green box on the table. Inside was a small black ring with emerald jewels encrusted around it, the slytherin crest engraved onto the front. I observe the ring, realising what a great present it would be for Draco.

I buy the gift, slipping it into my purse as I carry on walking the streets with Silas, his eyes searching the outside world in fascination.

I had around 30 minutes to spare before Lucius would come to pick us up. He had insisted on taking us home as soon as he finished work, eager to see Silas and spend more time with him. Reluctantly, I had agreed.

I know I didn't want to risk my feelings, but just because I didn't want a relationship with Lucius, didn't mean Silas couldn't too.

Bound By Honour (Lucius Malfoy) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now