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I step out of the shower, drying my body off with a towel and entering my room. With a quick wave of my wand, my hair is swept up in a messy bun and my makeup is done to perfection. The thick, winged eyeliner and dark nude lip makes it stand out. I look in the mirror, and realise I looked pretty today. And yet I didn't feel it in the slightest.

With Theo, even when I wasn't wearing makeup, I felt gorgeous. Bright. Happy.

I stare at where my dark circles used to be a few minutes ago and close my eyes briefly, sighing.

I'd had no sleep last night and it didn't help when my dad had knocked on my door early in the morning, telling me to get ready as we were going to the manor.

Malfoy Manor. To meet the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with.

I shake off my thoughts, trying my hardest to block them out. I didn't want to think about it at all and I had convinced myself in the past 2 weeks to believe that I was happy with this marriage and not being forced into it.

I go to my wardrobe, walking through the rows of clothes before I decide on a simple outfit.

I choose a loose, white polo neck blouse that's partly see through with a tight tank top underneath in case it was too cold. The arms are puffy and loose, cuffed at the wrists. I tuck the blouse into my jeans and loop a designer belt around my waist. When I look in the mirror, I realise most of my outfit was black.

I hadn't even noticed.

I slip on some ankle boots, tucking a few loose strands of hair behind my ear and I'm ready to go.

I'm sorting out my jeans, sitting on my bed when I catch a glimpse of my ring in the light. I hadn't took it off yet and I wasn't planning on doing that in the future either. I didn't care if I would be married to another man - he wasn't the one I loved. I sit up, touching my ring slowly as I remember the day he proposed to me. It felt like months ago now but it had only been 2 weeks. I hadn't told Theo yet, and I had no idea how I was going to.

He had no idea. About the marriage, about the threats - he didn't even know I wasn't returning to school in 2 weeks either. But how was I to tell him? It would break his heart and I couldn't be the reason for that.

"Sarah! Are you ready?" My mum calls from downstairs.

"Coming!" I shout back, lifting off my bed and leaving my room, going downstairs to meet my parents in the foyer.

"You look pretty," my dad smiles and I smile back. "Thanks dad."

"Your dad's right, you look amazing. Are you ready to go?"

I take a deep breath before nodding, "Sure."

I hug her goodbye and she holds me tightly, apologising quietly in my ear. I pull back, with a little smile to show I wasn't bothered and yet I couldn't bring myself to speak to her.

My dad offers me his hand and I take it, holding on tightly. We apparate and within seconds, we're stood in the gigantic driveway, large hedges surrounding us and the Manor's garden seems to stretch out for miles behind the house. I had to admit - it was pretty. An extravagant house and garden that fit the Malfoy category indefinitely. But there was one thing I didn't like, the thing I noticed the second I saw it all.

The darkness.

It engulfed the house and as much of the garden as it possibly could. But there was still sun in the sky and it was early afternoon, and yet it was almost as though there was a black cloud sitting above the house, raining every time it thought there was too much light.

I turn to my dad, "How are we on the grounds? I thought we could only apparate to outside the gates." I'm confused at this.

"Mal- Lucius has given us permission to apparate here whenever we like."

Bound By Honour (Lucius Malfoy) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now