01// insanity

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Skye's p.o.v

They broke him! I can't believe this actually happened, one second we were trying out for the team, the next the team captain is breaking my brothers ankle.

So now here I was waiting in the nurses office with Liam, who's ankle was swelled and turning purple. Scott had left the room to talk with Stiles, the other junior that was on defense. "how bad does it hurt?" I asked Liam. he looked up from the floor and looked at me with a sad expression, "on a rate from one to ten? One hundred" "don't worry the pain will lesson after awhile, the swelling will help mask the pain with numbness" he nodded and fiddled with his fingers. I lightly patted his shoulder, "now you knew how I felt when I broke my arm a couple years ago, but now I'm healed and better" he nodded.

Scott finally came back into the room and helped take Liam to the hospital. when we got there out step-father lead me and Liam into a room and told Liam to sit down. he checked Liam's ankle a few times before Liam spoke, "it's broken isn't?" he asked, sadly. "we can't be certain, we'll need to get a few x-rays"

So after that he took Liam to get x-rays as I quietly listened to music as I waited for Liam to get back.

When he did he had crutches. our step-father left the room to go work with his other patience as he waited for Liam's results. "it's broken and it's all my fault" he told himself. "no Liam it isn't. it's that Scott guys fault, he's the reason your here, the reason you have to miss lacrosse this season. don't blame yourself for this" I said, honestly. I honestly do believe this was Scott's fault, he's the one who was defending. he's the one who broke Liam's ankle. he's the reason my brother is in so much pain. and I hate him for doing this, I know hate is a strong word but that's how much I strongly dislike him. enough to hate with a burning passion. I wish I could take one of the lacrosse sticks as got him in the face, but if get grounded and most likely benched.

We waited for about two hours for the results of Liam's x-rays. it was already almost 8:00 pm. I wouldn't admit it to Liam but him being sad was making me want to be sad. he seemed like the world was ending, but I guess his was. Lacrosse is or was our life. we had learned to play it when we were eight or nine. our step-dad had taught us. that was one if my most happiest childhood memories with Liam.

I wouldn't admit it to him but I love my older by two days brother, Liam. he's always there for me when I need help with homework or classwork. he's always there when I need someone to talk too. he's my best friend. and he always will be.

Finally the results came and Liam had been right, his ankle was broken. badly broken. We had been told that he'd have to be in a cast for at least two months. Liam groaned and looked at his ankle. I lightly rubbed his back, "two mints isn't that long. not long at all" I reassured him. He nodded and layed back.

When the doctor had left to go get a cast, he never came back. it had been almost half an hour since we had seen the doctor (not our step-dad). so being the curious siblings we are, we went to walk and/or hobble around to find him.

The hallways were filled with a creepy hollow silence. we looked both way multiple times but saw no sine of there of there bing a doctor here. So we walked farther. we had sometimes heard doors creek and we thought we heard a faint scream coming from somewhere in the hospital.

When we had finally given up and were about to go back to the room we had started in a teenage boy with white eyes and sharp teeth came out of one of the hallways. it didn't help that he was covered in blood which me and Liam had no idea what it was from.

Before I could run the bloody boy grabbed me and Liam's wrists and started to drag us up the stairs. I tried to get out of the creepy boys grip but he was a lot stronger then me.

As he lead us up the stairs I saw Scott McCall. but he wasn't like he was earlier. now he had glowing red eyes and hair all over his face. and the scariest thing if all he had was claws! but then I told myself, 'your just hallucinating Skye, you just afraid'.

When the unknown boy lead us to the roof he held me and Liam bear the edge of the building. too close to the edge. one wrong move and I'd fall to my death, or at least have a very bad injury.

I tried to move away but ended up with the boy dropping me and Liam over te edge. but luckily, since of played lacrosse for so long my reflexes were faster then my mind and caught myself before I could fall. Liam caught himself also.

Scott came and tried to pull the boy away from us. but didn't have any luck. "Sean, I can help you" he said. "Wendigos don't need help" 'Sean' growled. "we need food!" He yelled.

Liam was about to fall to my death. and I was about to be eaten by the wendigo when something extremely insane happened. Scott McCall bit us. as he pulled the wendigo away. Scott carefully pulled us up from the ledge. both me and Liam had trouble keeping our balance, Liam because of his ankle and the insane bite. me because of being overwhelmed by almost being eaten and now having a bleeding wrist witch looked like it was slightly healing.

Somehow, now I'm in Scott McCalls bathtub duct taped up beside Liam. Scott and Stiles entered the room. "we're not going to have to bury them in Mexico, right?" Stiles asked. Scott shook his head. they ame over to the bath tub and lifted me and Liam out.

Hoping to be untied, but just ending up being tied to a chair while Stiles paces around the room.

"Some confusing things happened to you two tonight, and some more confusing things are going to happened Bessie of the confusing thing I did to you. understand?" Scott said. me and Liam shook our heads, no. "If you accept the bite you'll be like me." "But if you don't you'll die. most likely die" stiles said.Scott sighed. "I'm going to take the tape off your mouths but if you scream it goes back on. okay?" Stiles said. this time me and Liam nodded.

Scott took the tape off my mouth while Stiles ripped the tape off of Liam's. a few seconds after that Liam started 'crying'. Scott and Stiles thought he was really crying so they untied us. but when they weren't looking Liam too one of the chairs and hit Scott with it, and he punches Stiles.

"Skye, let's get out if here!" He yelled running down the stairs, stopping for a second to realize his ankle had healed. but shook it off and ran out the door with me right behind.

We ran the rest if the way home and practically collapsed from running so fast. there was no way we could face those two psycho juniors tomorrow. absolutely no way, after what they did to us.

[not edited]

Edge of Insanity ☢️ B. Talbot [B1]Where stories live. Discover now