17// fears pt. 2

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Skye's p.o.v

"Everything's fine, I got a text from him this morning, he said he might be a little late." stiles said as we walked into the locker room.

"Well, how late is late? Is he always late? We're playing Devenford prep again, and this time it's an actual game" I said.

"H-he shouldn't be late" Liam said.

"Who shouldn't be late?" Coach asked, turning towards us.

I sighed, "Scott and Kira"

"They might be slightly late"

"Slightly late is still late, what are they doing?" coach said.

"They're doing something that's going to make them slightly late"

"What could Scott and Kira be doing right now that's more important than playing in the first game?"

Me, liam, and stiles all shared a few awkward glances.

"Oh, coach" stiles said.

We headed out to the field and sat on our bench.

I kept looking over my shoulder constantly for Scott and Kira, "they're still not here" I said.

"Okay, what's really going on? Are you nervous about the full moon? It's not for anther twenty four hours" Stiles asked.

I looked up at the moon.

"Skye, Liam you guys are gonna be fine. okay" he said. "Just try not to rage out on anyone"

"Your not worried?" Liam asked.

"Okay, I'm wildly concerned" he said. "mildly"

He got out his phone to text Scott, I watched him type "how late you gonna be? Very worried. very".

"We're gonna lose without him" me and Liam said.

"No, we're not. we can be just as good without Scott. okay? I've been practicing, let me tell you something." He said. "I'm getting good, really good"

the game started and I hadn't had the ball yet. I watched as stiles missed the ball multiple times, even when it was right near him. I even watched it bounce off his helmet.

I watched him fall, and then lay there. I walked over to him and bent down.i gave him this, "you call that good" look and he nodded.

"Yeah, I'll call Scott again" he said, nodding.

We headed to the bench as Devenford got another goal.

"I gotta go see what's going on." Stiles said.

"Your leaving?" I asked.

"What are you going to tell coach?" Liam asked.

"Uh, you don't tell him anything. okay? guys, your gonna be okay, all right?"

Me an Liam stood back up as Stiles walked over to his father and Malia.

We stopped to listen to their conversation.

"What me to stay here in case he shows up?" Malia asked.

"Yes" stiles said

"Dunbars! Get on the field!" Coach yelled from right behind me.

I got on the field behind the person who was in front of Brett. I tried not to make eye contact with him.

When The whistle blew And they took the ball and started heading towards the goal. until one of the DP players took it from them an passes it to another one if their players.

I had started to run, but then slowed down as I 'saw' a beserker behind one of the players. it was pushing down multiple of their players. and then it stabbed it's bone knife into Brett's stomach.

I'm pretty sure I had a look of pure torture on my face, I knew my heart beat was speeding up a lot. I was terrified.

"Skye! For the love of god, move!" Coach yelled from the side lines.

I turned around right as Brett made yet another goal.

I still just stood there, watching them go over an give Brett high fives. I looked down at my feet.

The game started again and I too the ball down the field. but not far after I was shoved by Brett.

I glared up at him, "what the hell did you do that for?" I asked, only slightly angry.

"Because your afraid. I can smell it on you from across the field." He said. "are you hurt?"


"Are you still alive?"


"Then get up"

I stood up as the referee came over, "you good to play?" I nodded. he turned towards Brett, "are you gonna try pulling something like that again?"

"Only if I have to" he said.

why do I like him?

He lightly smiled and jogged away.

I put my helmet back on and got back in position.


We had lost the game, and everyone had already left besides me and Liam.

Well at least we thought, until Brett came into the locker room.

"You okay?" He asked.

"We lost" I said, looking up at him, but not his eyes.

"But your okay, right?"

"Why'd you do that? Why'd you help me?"

"Because of two reasons. one because if Scott. two..." he trailed off, but I already knew what he was going to say. "Scott saved me, he saved all of us. do you know how lucky you are?"

"What do you mean?"

"Scott's a true alpha. that means he didn't get his power because he was born with it. he didn't get it by stealing or killing someone. he earned it" he said. "you're not strong because you can lift a lot if wait now, your strong because you endure. Satomi calls it strength if character. your lucky to have him" after that he left.

I looked down at my lacrosse stick. "then why isn't he here?" I asked quietly.

[not edited]

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