07// who cares? I do

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Skye's p.o.v

"How did you know Brett was in there?" Scott asked, a couple minutes after Brett had woke up from being knocked out by Liam.

"Scott I told you this, FOUR TIMES. but I'll tell you agian, one more time. Brett rammed into liam, and when he was taken away I noticed Garret was gone also, I noticed that Garret wasn't anywhere on the field, so as I was looking around I notice Garret leaving their locker room, so I kinda just ignored what my head was telling me and went in, and Liam followed. as soon as I was in their I heard Brett's strangled cries, I walked around the corner and saw Violet choking him and trying to burn his head off like that werewolf at Lydia lake house. So I took my lacrosse stick and hit her in the head."

"I noticed that Brett had a cut on his arm, an it wasn't healing. and I thought that if Violet was an assassin and trying to kill him then he was supernatural, and then I remembered that you said that they usually heal quickly."

"And when Brett had finally stood up, he had like no balance so I helped him, and brought him to you, and we brought him here" I finished

"Wow, you did all that for someone you hate?" Scott asked.

"You know that 'someone' she hates is still here, right?" Brett asked, annoyed.

Actually I had forgotten he was there.

I had been telling my self not to care.

I kept asking my self who cares, but I didn't know the answer to my question.

Who cares?

I don't know.

Who cares?

I don't know.

Do you care?

Definitely not

You care.

Nope, why would I care about someone I hate?

Why do you keep thinking about this?

I don't know, maybe because I just saved his life.

Why did you save him?

You know that answer, I don't like seeing people die, knowing that I could prevent it.

That's not the whole truth, is it?

Yes it is.

*mental eye roll* Who cares?

*mental sigh* I think I do.

"Skye?" I heard Scott ask.

I snapped out if my thoughts, once I realized that I was staring at Brett as I was having my mental battle.

I think I have too many mental battles, do I need help? Nope I don't, talking to yourself in your mind is normal, talking to yourself out loud is when you need mental help. GREAT!

"Uh, what Scott?"

"You were staring"

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to stare, I was just lost in my thoughts"

"About me?" Brett asked, slightly smirking.

"About how I saved your life."

"You know you shouldn't have done that"


"Because you hate me, I hate you and that's never going to change. and sometime or later, saving me might come back and bite you in the a*s"

"Your such a douche" I said, under my breath. "why can't you just appreciate what I did for you? It's not like you were going to save yourself, maybe your just mad that a girl had to save you. a girl that's better then you at lacrosse"

"I never said I didn't appreciate it, I just said that you made the wrong decision, I might end up dead anyway." He said. "and I could have saved myself, also no ones better then me at lacrosse"

"You couldn't and wouldn't save your self, your too weak. and if you want to see who's really better at lacrosse, bring it on. anytime any day" this wasn't going to end well.

He laughed at me, "I've been a werewolf a hell of a lot longer then you, your newly bitten aren't you? guess what I was born one." he said, arrogantly. "and sweety you don't want me to hurt your newly growing ego do you? Beating you at lacrosse would probably break your heart"

I was fuming now, "I wish I had let you die, I wish you were dead, I wish I could kill you right now." I said. "I wish I didn't care at all" I said the last part barely audible, even for a werewolf.

Brett had clearly heard me, when he asked, "Why do you care?"

"I don't know"

"Skye I think it's time for you to go home," Scott interrupted before I could actually get close enough to punch Brett, which I wanted to do so bad.

I nodded and sighed, calming myself down.

"Bye, biotch" I said walking out of the clinic and towards Scott's car.

I had finally calmed down when Scott brought up Brett.

"Why do you care?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I just do, I don't want to but I do"

"Do you really hate him?"

I had to think this question over and over. I sighed, I wasn't going to be able to answer this question without another mental battle.

Do I hate him?

Of course you.... don't

But I have too,

No you don't.

But Liam hates Brett, and Brett hates me.

Skye, hate is a very strong word. yes, Liam and Brett do hate each other. but your starting to only dislike him.

No, this can't be happening! Do you know what happens after I only start to dislike him?

You start to like him as a friend.

And do you know what sometimes comes after that?!

Liking him as more then a friend.

No, no no no! I can't only dislike him, I hate him, I have to.

You used to hate him, but you don't now. your starting to dislike him, stop lying to yourself.

But I can't like him, I just cant. that would hurt Liam.

Sometimes, you have to be your own person, you don't always have to be Skye and Liam.

Sometimes you have to be Skye and Liam.

Correct, I'm so glad you understand.

"No, I don't hate him. I just dislike him a lot"

"Why don't you hate him anymore?"

"My feelings for him are changing now that I saved him, I did use to hate him but now I only dislike him."

"Maybe, your feelings are changing for the better"

"Maybe, but who cares?" I sighed. "I do"

[not edited]

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