10// i just found out that your a swiftie

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Skye's p.o.v

I definitely wasn't going to tell Brett, he's so great at lacrosse, and he could get any girl, why would he even give me a thought.

Besides, I'm like a girl version of him, and you wouldn't date yourself right? Well actually, Brett might.

Liam would probably kill him anyway, stupid overprotective brother.

I mean I get why Liam's so protective, I do understand. it's just sometimes he has to let me do something for myself for once. I mean I'm pretty sure I already showed him that I can handle myself. minus being put in a well, and being saved by Brett.

Both me and Liam were in our own thoughts, until my phone went off.

I hate your brother, and this is crazy, but here's my number, can you please call me maybe? -unknown number

Depends, who is this? A lot of people hate my brother- me

I actually had a good idea who it was, there's only one person who would straight out say they hate Liam. but how in the world did he get my number, and why is he texting me?

I think we both know who this is- unknown

Is this Brett Talbot?- me

Yeah, your dream guy- Brett

Never in a million years- me

I'm so glad he can't tell when people are lying over text.

Puh-leas, I'm so your type- Brett

Yeah, your so right. my type is overly annoying, arrogant, who hate my brother, lacrosse players... not- me

That's too bad, your totally my type- Brett

I thought your type was stupid girls who only care about what guys think if them, and doing their make up, if it is then I'm totally not your type and never will be- me

You know People can change- Brett

Uh huh, talk to me when it happens- me

I shut off my phone as Liam sat down beside me. I didn't really know if Brett meant 'his type' as in, he likes me, or if he just wants to break my heart.

But I know one thing; all the girls he ever dated were girls that wore too much make up, who failed all their classes so guys would like them, looked like clowns every day because thy wore to much make up, and clothes that would fit a five year old perfectly. And don't even get me started on their dyed hair and fake tans.

But maybe he has changed... Haha, yeah and I hate lacrosse.

"Was that him?" Liam asked.

"Who, Brett? Yeah it was"

"How'd he get your phone number?"

I shrugged, " I don't know, maybe he just has it"

"What did he say?"

"He asked me too call him, he also said he was my type, and that I was his type"

"Did he ask you out?"

"No, but he did say he changed. but that sounds like a load if BS, if you ask me"

"Maybe it's true, even snakes can fall in love" i jumped slightly as I heard Stiles from the doorway, were he had just now entered the living room.

Liam rolled his eyes, "sure. have you ever known one that happened to?"

Stiles nodded, "actually yes, I have. his name was Jackson Whittmoore, he moved to London a few months ago, he had been bitten but had changed into a snake like shape shifter called a kanima. he had fallen in love with Lydia, and she had fallen in love with him even though he was arrogant and hated almost everyone"

"But people can't change in just a day"

"That is true, but what I'm saying is it's not impossible. maybe you should give him a chance if he does"

"Maybe I will. Maybe I won't"

"Love is ever changing, like anything real it can drive you crazy"

"Did you just partially quote Taylor Swift?"

"I think I did" he nodded.

"I don't have a long list if ex-lovers, but I do have people who will tell you I'm insane"

He laughed.

"boys only want love if it's torture. don't say I didn't warn you"

"Ok, enough with the quoting"

"Ok... this is the last one. love can end in burning flames or paradise"

"Seriously, stop"

When we'd going crashing down we'd come back every time. cause we never go out if style. -Brett

How the hell...- me

Werewolf hearing, duh. I can hear almost everything in a two mile radius- Brett

Oh good, your not stalking me- me

I'm not a stalker- Brett

Oh, but I did just find out that your a Swiftie ;)- me

I am so not... you can't tell anyone about this, I will hurt you- Brett

I can't make any promises, but I'll try- me

"So has Lydia found the second cipher key?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, she just found it. It was Aiden" he said seeming slightly sad, maybe he was another dead friend if theirs.

"Who's all on it?"

"No but a lot of others were. except for Peter and Malia"

"Do you think either of them could be the Benefactor?"

"I don't think it's Malia, but Im not sure about Peter"

"You just don't think it's malia because she's your girlfriend"

"I do not"

"Don't start arguing"

A/n: this is slightly a filler chapter, I just wanted to have them find the second cipher key, and have Brett and Skye kinda have a couple moments/ scenes, what ever you want to call it, even though there only text messages. And yes I know, the second part comes earlier, but it's my fanfic, and I own some of the plot lines. italics= text messages.

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