16// fears pt. 1

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Skye's p.o.v

"When did you guys get so good?" Mason asked as I won a game on out x-box.

Me and Liam had kinda been going back and forth winning all night.

"Have you guys been practicing?" He asked, laughing. "or did you just suddenly get super human reflexes."

"Uh We've been practicing, practicing a lot" I said.

"And I should be studying"

"Where are you going?"

"Home? I've got a history test tomorrow"

"Come on, one more game"

"Yeah, you said that four games ago."

"Well, study here"

"Yeah, you can stay over" Liam said.

"Come on, one more game. just one"

"You guys okay?"

I started to shake my head, but then said, "yeah. your right, you should go"

"We should probably study too"

I shook my head again sadly, "see you at school" I was now fiddling with the buttons on the controller in my hand.

I stood up as soon as mason left and walked to my room.

I sighed and fell back onto my bed.

I got under my covers and reached for my lamp, I hesitated. every time I turn the light off I see beserkers. every single time, and I'm terrified.

I sat up and looked around my room.

I layed back down as I turned the lamp off.

I could hear them, their snarling, their growling. I could hear their foot steps.

Skye, they're not there. it's just your imagination. your fear.

I was now starting to breath heavily. "your not there, your not there"

I shot my arm out and turned my lamp back on as I 'heard' the beserker come even closer.

When I sat up, it was gone, not that is was ever there. It was just in my head, but it felt and sounded so real.


Me, Liam, and Mason had gone to the weight room.

"That's a lot if weight" mason said as I put on more pounds.

"Gotta get ready for the game tomorrow" I said sitting down on the bench.

"You need a spot?"

"No, do you?"

"This is my warm up, you a*s"

I layed back about to start lifting when Mason stepped beside me. I held up my hand, "what are you doing?"

"I'm spotting you"

"I said I don't need one"

"Are you kidding me? This is like three hundred pounds, your gonna kill your self"

I layed down and pulled the weight down, and then lifted it back up. "do I look like I need help?"

I sighed as I started lifting it again, I grunted as it became a little harder as I remembered and pictured the beserkers.

I was panting now, and the weight was now on my chest. I couldn't lift it anymore. I coughed and groaned as I tried to lift it, but couldn't.

Suddenly Scott came out of nowhere as I was struggling, he grabbed the weight and lifted it off my chest. I was still coughing and trying to catch my breath.

I sat up and groaned.


Scott bent down beside me.

"I'm fine" I said between coughs.

"If you guys don't want to be with us that's okay. but don't push your friends away too" Scott said.

I looked between him and mason, until I looked over his shoulder, passed him, where I saw a beserker in the mirror.

"I know something's going on" mason said as he came to me and Liam's room. "I know you don't want to talk about it, but your still my best friends"

"And um, considering the fact that the last good friend I made turned out to be a professional killer, I'm thinking that I don't have to many options for new ones. so when your ready to talk, talk. until then, I know I can kick your a*ses at at least one for these games"

I smiled and slightly laughed. I reached behind me and picked one up. "I've never played this one" we smiled at each other.

[not edited]

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