19// death: pt 2

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Skye's p.o.v

When Derek opened the door a beserker was standing the, it pulled Derek out and held him a against a rock as it stabbed him.

Breadon got out an started shooting at it.

Me, Liam, and stiles hurried out if the van. we stood there, slightly gaping at the what looked like dying Derek.

"I guess Lydia was right" I said quietly. "he is dying, which was why he was a cipher key"

"Uhm.. Skye about that, he wasn't the cipher key, you were" Liam said.

"W-what?" I asked. "that's not important to me right now, let just go she them."

We headed into the church. when we entered stiles got a call from his dad. he left the group to go talk to him.

"What do we do now?" Liam asked.

"Duck" Malia said, pulling me down.

We hurried through the hallway as a beserker followed.

"Go find Kira and Scott" Malia said, handing stiles Kira's kitana. stiles headed off.

I growled at the beserker.

I charged at a beserker and tried to fight it, but it kept pushing me away.

I clawed, scratched, lunged at a beserker.

"It's scott. it's Scott" stiles said as soon as he returned with kira.

I walked over to Scott and tried to walk to him. he rammed me against a wall, and kept me there.

I looked into to Scott's brown eyes, "Scott please" I cried.

"Scott, scott! Listen, listen listen!" I yelled. "your not a monster! Your my alpha, your our alpha, your a true alpha. your not a monster your a werewolf like liam"

He backed away, and dropped my from the wall.

He backed away and started tearing off his suit if bones. and lastly the skull, which blowed yellow as it cracked.

He took off the rest off the bones and was shifted underneath. he roared as he fell to his knees.

"You" Scott said to peter. "the only one who know was much about beserkers as Argent, about the Nagual. you taught kate, you helped her. all for power"

"For my family's power, to be rightfully inherited by me. not usurped by some idiot teenage boy, so incorruptible, he wouldn't shed the bliss of his enemies, even when justified." Peter said. "you don't deserve your power, not power like this." his voice was now almost demonic, he had shifted.

Malia had charged at him, but he threw her at a wall. "oh, in sorry, sweetheart, we'll talk about this later"

He looked to Kira who was wielding her kitana. "Kira!" Scott yelled.

"You were my beta first, Scott. it was my bite that change your life, and my bite that can end it."

"Then end it Peter. because you won't get another chance"

They both roared and lunged for each other.

They punched, kicked, clawed, slashed, threw each other at walls. but Peter was the one mostly doing the throwing.

Scott had fallen, and Peter was above him.

I charged at Peter and he grabbed my by the neck pushing me against a wall.

It was getting harder and harder to breath.

I could feel his claws in my neck.

I could feel my heart beat slowing down. I think I'm going to die.

I was choking for air.

Scott came over and pulled Peter off and threw him a crossed the room.

He jumped to where he was towering over Peter in the ground.

"You were never an alpha peter, but you were always an alpha" he said before punching him and knocking him out.

Liam and the others rushed over to me. "Liam, I think she's dying" Scott said.

"No, no she can't! Skye stay alive! Stay alive, please, you can't die! Please no" he was crying now.

My heart was only beating a few beats per minute. I could feel my self drifting in and out.

I honestly didn't know if I was going to live or die.

"Liam, I l-love you older brother" I choked out. "t-tell Brett I, i..." I went unconscious, not knowing if I was ever going to wake up.

A/n: let's see if Skye lives or dies, there will be an epilogue to this FF. So wait and see what happens :), I hope you guys like this book, I'm kinda proud of it. I'll be going back to edit the chapters, sooo yeah! Have a nice day!

[not edited]

Edge of Insanity ☢️ B. Talbot [B1]Where stories live. Discover now