08// its true, i love pizza

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Skye's p.o.v

We have more important things to think, about that have nothing to do with...

BRETT, okay I get it.

Your still thinking about him, I think...

I don't care what you think, and I am not so not still thinking about him!

Then what are you thinking about?

...pizza, yeah that's it. pizza

*mental eye roll* sure.

It's true, I love pizza.

"I think there's something wrong with her" I heard Stiles says as I left my thoughts.

"There's nothing wrong, she always does that" Liam said, "she's having a mental battle"

"About what?"

Liam shrugged, "I don't know, ask her"

"What are you thinking about?"

"Pizza. yeah that's it, pizza" I said as Scott and Liam gave me unconvinced looks.

I sighed, I'd probably have to tell Liam some time or later about me not hating and/or liking him as a friend.

"I was thinking about a guy"


"One that I'm not sure if in friends with, he doesn't like me. at all, actually he kind of hates me"

"That could be anyone from the Devenford team..."

"It's Brett, ok?!"

"You don't hate him anymore, how could you?" Liam said, being way way over dramatic.

"No, I only dislike him. and I didn't mean for this to happen... it just did"

Liam glared, "it's a good thing your my sister, and best friend or I would slightly dislike you"

I rolled my eyes. "okay, I'm done talking and thinking about him"


"Anyway, do you know what happened to Violet after the scrimmage?"

"Yeah, she went to jail. they said she was in a group of pretty much assassins called The Orphans. they were going to arrest Garret but, he got away and now they don't know where he is" Scott said.

"Just try not to worry about Garret right now, he's probably dead anyway" stiles said.

I nodded, standing up from the couch in Scott's living room. "I'll be back later, I'm going to jog with mason to get my mind off all this assassin and dead pool stuff" I said walking out the door.

I met mason in front of the school as we started to jog.

As usual I listened to music as I ran, not to loud that I couldn't hear mason when he said something, but loud enough that I yelled slightly when I talked.

At first I started off just jogging.

And then I started running

And then I was sprinting.

Before I knew it I was going at werewolf speed, and when I had finally slowed down, I had noticed that I had gotten lost.

I turned in circles, looking for mason or anything familiar. but found nothing but trees.

I had stopped for a couple minutes to try an remember which way I had came from, but had no luck.

And when I least expected it I was knocked out by Garrett.

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