09// do you like him?

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A/n I want to dedicate this chapter to two people; one lmitchell68 for voting for all my chapters (thank you for that), two my bestie/other half if my squad ttylcoolsAquamarine for voting for my chapters also and dedicating one of the chapter in her Wait.. Alpha King?... What? Mates? book to me {you should read her books, they're great} (thanks for that). thanks you both! Have a nice day, and enjoy this chapter! :)

Skye's p.o.v

Brett had left about an hour before Liam and Scott had got here.

I had told them about Garrett putting me in the well, trying to climb out, falling, and then getting saved by Brett.

Of course I didn't tell them about how I felt when he saved me, or when I was in his arms. they'd think I like.

The truth is, I don't know how I feel about him anymore. the good thing is I'll only see him at lacrosse games agian at his team, which I was fine with, at least I don't have to see him everyday.

I don't know if it was a sibling thing, or if Liam can read me like an open book, but I'm pretty sure he knew I wasn't telling them something. but why would I tell them how I feel, when even I don't know.

I had gotten my strength back, I still felt a little weak, but Deaton said that would go away.

"How did he even know you were there?" Liam asked

I shrugged, "I don't know, he didn't tell me. he was too busy saving my life. but he was also still being his arrogant self"

"I think you should thank him" Scott said.

"I did, he just said 'don't mention it'. he said that he saved me, since I saved him"

"I'm just happy your alive"

"Me too"

( a few days later)

Another day, another scrimmage. is it just me or does it seem like they're all against Devenford? It's probably just me.

I hadn't been in much of a hurry to get on the field, the longer I take the longer I get to stay away from Brett.

Liam practically shoved me into the field when I was going about .5 miles per hour.

As soon as I got into the field, I took my position in front of Brett. Dang it, I wish I could be in a different position.

I didn't dare to look at his face, so I just kept my head down, staring at the newly mowed grass.

The only times I looked at Brett was when I knew he wouldn't look at me, I did not want to make eye contact.

I don't know why, but I don't really feel like playing. Sometimes I'd slow down when I had the ball, sometimes I'd miss a pass and Brett would get the ball. my head just wasn't in the game.

I couldn't get my mind if Brett.

When the game had ended the score was about 10-0, we had lost.

I had finally stopped trying to ignore him, it's not like I wanted to ignore him. I just didn't really want to see him, because I might figure out how I feel if I make eye contact. I don't know if I want to know my feelings.

I hadn't noticed it, but I had stopped near my bench, but I wasn't sitting, I was staring at Brett.

Well not his face, he wasn't even facing me, I was staring at his back.

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