12// faking death : part 1

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Skye's p.o.v

A couple days had past since I started secretly dating Brett, and now I was with Lydia and Stiles, they had been about to head to eichen house to talk to Meredith Walker (another banshee) about the third cipher key, since she had kinda told ten the second one.

But when we got there, we found out from deputy Parrish that she had hung her self.

Lydia, for some reason that I didn't know, kept repeating that it was her fault. she had actually started crying. Stiles hugged her and told her that it wasn't her fault.

I didn't think right now was the right time to ask how it was 'her fault', so I didn't. I now stood there awkwardly, switching from one foot to the other.

Finally Lydia stopped crying and stood up. "so what now?" I asked, trying to hide my impatience to do anything but just stand there.

"I don't know, I guess I could try to find it on my own. the keys so far have been friends of ours that have died, but Aiden & Allison were our only friends that died, because of the nogitsune... stiles" she said.

"Banshees predict death right?"

She nodded, "yeah"

"Maybe the third key isn't a friend that has already died, but one that is going to"

Lydia headed over to one of the computers in the sheriffs office.

She quickly typed away at all the names she could think of.

She closed her eyes and typed the letters of whoever the cipher keys name is.

But I wasn't behind the computer so I couldn't see who it was.

"So, who was it?" I asked.

"...Derek" Lydia said.

"That explains why he's loosing his werewolf powers. and why he's been different since when I first met him"

"Yeah... Malia is on this part but Peter isn't on the dead pool" stiles said.

"Do you think Peter is the benefactor?"

"Yes. no. maybe, but we still can't be sure"

Liam's p.o.v

(Later that day, when they tell the pack. Skye isn't there.)

We were having a pack meeting, Lydia and Stiles had just found the third cipher key.

They were explaining that it wasn't someone who had already died, but was going to.

They said that they had lied to Skye about, but she hadn't noticed.

"I'm really sorry Liam." Lydia said

"Sorry for what?" I asked.

"It was her, Skye was the cipher key. she's going to die"

"What?! No she can't!"

"She is, banshees predict death. and I typed in her name."

"Why didn't you tell her?"

"We didn't want her to worry,"

"But you want me to worry, she's my sister!"

"Just don't tell her yet,"

"Okay, but I have to tell her sometime" I guess today or anytime the next couple days wouldn't be the best, this week is the school bonfire which symbolizes the first lacrosse game.

Skye's p.o.v
(A little later that day)

"We need a way to find the benefactor" Scott said.

"We need a plan" Liam said

"No duh" stiles said, sarcastically.

"The benefactor needs visual confirmation right?" I asked.

"Yeah, and...?"

"Why doesn't one of us fake death?"

"How would we do that?"

"My mom has told me stories about kitsunes slowing down heart beats" Kira said.

"How slow does there heart beat?"

"One beat per minute"

"Do you think a beta could live with only one beat?"

"not a beta, but maybe a true alpha" we all looked towards Scott.

"Okay, I'll do it"

"Okay, now I'll tell you my whole plan" I started. "Scott's heart gets slowed down, we go to the hospital and all the doctors think he's dead, we put small cameras around the hospital, we wait to see if the benefactor comes, and ten weather or not try come we bring him back after a while."

"That could work"

"I'll ask my mom how to slow his heart"

"You know this is stupid, and borderline idiotice?" Stiles said. "But we've had worse plans"

"We're not scared" me and Liam said at the same time.

"Then you two are stupid, and borderline idiotic"

(When Kira's mom comes)

"Hold your hand directly over his heart" she instructed Kira.

Me and Liam looked at her, doubt finally coming to me.

"Are you sure this will work?" Liam asked.

"Have you seen this done before?" I asked.

"Yes, but I've never done this before"

"Great" I muttered.

"So he could die?" Liam asked.

"Yes, but he could also live."

"Could is the key word in this conversation"

[not edited]

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