13// faking death : part 2

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Skye's p.o.v

(At the hospital)

Me, Liam, Stiles, and Kira were in an empty hospital room as we connected the computers to the hospitals security cameras.

They took Scott into a hospital room on a stretcher. once they got there, they tried to restart his heart, but failed.

They tried to recharge it, but still failed.

They finally have up when the machine stopped, but till made a loud "beeeeeeeep"ing noise.

"Time of death, 21:02 hours (9:02 pm). Can someone please page Melissa McCall?" our step-father said.

From down the hallway, we heard shoes hurrying to the room where Scott had "died". it was most likely Mrs. McCall.

My thought was confirmed when yells and sobs broke through the hospital.

she must be a really good actor, yes I had informed her of the plan so she wouldn't worry that he was never coming back.

"Stiles, you stay here with the computers, we will go check on Scott and Melissa. we'll be back in a few minutes." I said as I started walking out of the room, to Scott's, which would now be the morge.

Once we got there Kira and Scott's moms were there.

"I still hate this plan" Melissa said.

"Trust me, I'm kinda starting too. and I'm the one who came up with it" I said, under my breath.

"Is one beat enough to keep a werewolf alive?"

"Not always, but enough for an alpha" Kira's mom said.

"But we only have to wait less then forty five minutes to see if the benefactor comes" Kira said.

"What happens after forty five minutes?"

"I'll bring him back"

"I meant why happens if you don't bring him back then"

"He will die"

"But he's not going to, we'll bring him back right away if the benefactor doesn't come. don't worry"

She sighed, but nodded.

The three of us headed back to the computers where Stiles still stood, looking attentively at the computers.

I walked over to beside him as the cameras started losing signal, which caused no pictures to be formed.

"We should check it out, we need those cameras."

"But what if something's out there?"

"We'll hurry, besides we can heal and, we'll come right back"

"You better, I'm not burying anyone's body in Mexico"

I nodded.

We walked to the roof of the hospital. as we got outside we looked around, but saw nothing, until the beserkers appeared.

"What do we do? I've never fought these things before, actually I've never fought anyone since I've became supernatural."

"Just shift and try to hold them off or kill them, if try can be killed."

"But how I can't just shift"

"Get angry, anger can cause a shift"

I nodded as I thought of all the thing that angered me.

Getting thrown into this new world by Scott.

Almost getting killed.

Leaving Devenford.

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