02// we just met and you bit us

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Skye's p.o.v

That was the weirdest dr- that wasn't a dream! I looked at my wrist turning it over and over again. the bandages had blood stains on them.

Scott really broke Liam's ankle, bit both of us, and kidnapped us. I was hoping that was just a bad dream. "Liam! Liam!" I yelled hurriedly getting ready for school am running to Liam's room. "it wasn't a dream!" We said at the same time.

We had hurriedly ate breakfast and sprinted the two miles to school, faster then we had ever gone before.

When we got there mason stopped us before we could go into the school. "I thought you were riding the bus today" he said. "We decided to run." Liam said. "two miles?" We nodded. mason shrugged.

I looked at little past mason seeing the one and only person who but us, Scott McCall. it kind if creeped me out how one second he was standing there staring into my soul. and the next he was gone, just like... poof.

I elbowed Liam in the stomach as lightly as I could. "we have to go see who made the lacrosse team, we didn't find out yesterday... So we should go" I said. mason nodded and let us past.

When we entered the school we went straight to our lockers. but when we got there we saw Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski. "Is it to late to go back now?" I whispered to Liam. he nodded, they were already coming towards us.

"Skye, Liam. we have to talk" Scott said. "we're talking right now, can we go yet?" I asked, annoyed.

"I need to talk to you about last night." he said. I felt myself stiffen a little. "Skye, Liam. we're siblings now" he said. "Scott..." stiles started but was cut off by Liam, "what do you mean we're siblings now?! We just met and you but us!". I could tell Liam's IED was going to kick in soon. "the bite... the bite is a gift." Scott said. stiles face palmed himself, "please stop, Scott" he said.

They got into a little argument that it was impose tan to tell us something. so we started to walk off. "wait! Don't walk off yet." stiles yelled catching back up to us. I groaned.

"We're trying to help you, you little runts" stiles said. "help us? By kidnapping us?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "just to clarify, Scott kidnapped you I just aided and abetted." I scoffed. I started to take the bandage of my arm. There was nothing there, maybe they're were crazy. I held it up so they could see, "seen nothing, no bite or blood. or even a scar. absolutely nothing." I said.

"Come on, Skye let's go." Liam said as we turned away from them. I nodded as we started to walk away.

You could say Me and Liam were a little jumpy. but that would be a major understatement

I could barely concentrate on the teachers. almost every little sound made me jump. every click of someone's pen, I could even hear the music that was coming out if headphones across the room.

Throughout the day Scott and Stiles had tried to talk to is throughout the day. but every time we'd turn the other way. they couldn't ale a hint that we didn't want to talk to them, they were insane!

Finally it was time to go to practice, yes me and Liam had made the team. even though coach was a little confused, about the whole Liam ankle thing. but he didn't ask any questions, so we kept on practicing.

Thought the suicide laps Scott would always end up beside us. trying to make small talk, acting like nothing happened. I wish nothing had happened last night. I'd always try to ignore him even though when he spoke it rang in my ears, like every other sound today.

After practice ended and before we started to walk home, while Liam was still in the locker rooms, I over heard the two insane juniors talking to their friends about me and Liam.

"we have to find out a way to get them to Lydia's lake house" a black haired girl said. "why doesn't Lydia 'throw a party'?" stiles asked using finger quotations. "how are we going to get them to come?" A girl with brown hair and blonde highlights asked.

"Well I was thinking we could have someone ask him, why not you Kira? You do know a female fox is called a vixon, be a vixon" a strawberry blonde girl said.

I didn't know how to respond to what they were saying. they were going to trick Liam into going to a 'party'. they could probably tell that I would go almost anywhere with Liam, they know how close we are.

I hadn't even noticed that Liam left the locker room until Liam surprised me. I slightly jumped when Liam asked what we were looking at. I wanted to tell him about the 'party' but he might just think I'm paranoid.

He'll think I'm paranoid that everyone's friends with the two insane juniors from last night.

Well I'm not, I know what I heard.

Unless I am paranoid...

Or insane.

[not edited]

Edge of Insanity ☢️ B. Talbot [B1]Where stories live. Discover now