06// i cant watch you die

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Skye's p.o.v

Tonight was the first scrimmage, and it just had to be against Devenford.

Why does the world hate me so much?

Me, liam, and Mason were working out.

"You know how Garret borrowed my sweater better never gave it back?" Mason asked, I nodded remembering him say about it before.

"Well I went to his house in the new house development, and guess what. it's still in development, there are no houses built yet" I kinda zoned out after that.

"Now two of my other friends are disappearing at parties, running miles to school.... and apparently are on steroids" I tuned in when he said this, suspecting he was talking about us.

"You guys aren't seriously going to lift that right?" I hadn't even noticed me and Liam were adding more weight.

"Huh, oh no. We're not, because it would be impossible for us to lift" I lieing, speaking slowly.

"Is this about the game tonight?"

"You mean the scrimmage?"

"What scrimmage?" Liam asked.

"The one against your old school"

"The one against Devenford Prep"

(Skip to before the scrimmage)

We were about to head to the locker room when the Devenford bus arrived, oh goodie *note my sarcasm*.

I saw Liam's expression change from calm to angry in less then five seconds.i lightly grabbed his arm. "Liam..." I warned, but he ignored me and started walking over to the bus as Brett stepped off.

"Brett!" He yelled, walking over to him.

"I just wanted to say..." he was about to say something, but stopped and said.

"Good game" he held out his hand. Brett and everyone behind him started laughing.

"Is that what your psychologist told you? Apologize and everything's alright?"

It wasn't just Liam that was mad now, I was furious. I clenched my fists, not noticing my claws had extracted and that there was now blood coming from
my hand, and stood beside Liam.

"You demolished coaches car"

"I payed for that,"

"Oh, you'll pay."

Before I could actually make a move to hurt Brett, I was pulled into the locker room by Stiles.

Once we had entered the locker room I was furious, I wanted to rip Brett apart, and stiles for pulling me away.

Stiles an Scott lead me and Liam to the showers, I didn't understand why but they pushed us agianst the wall and turned on the cold water.

I tried to get away from them, but stiles had me pinned to the wall which was surprising since he was human.

"Why are we under cold water?" I asked.

"It helps, it helped me" Scott said

I actually did feel a little calm under the water and it seemed like Liam did too.

"It's okay, I'm calm now" Liam said, as he had finally calmed down.

Stiles and Scott turned off the water and backed away from us. me an Liam slid down the wall.

"I thought you smashed your teachers car"

"No, I smashed my lacrosse coaches car" Liam said, "he benched me for the whole season"

Edge of Insanity ☢️ B. Talbot [B1]Where stories live. Discover now