05// the dead pool

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Skye's p.o.v

I had another dream about "the dead pool", whatever it is, last night.

"Alison was the cipher key"

"But she's dead"

"I know"

"Maybe the cipher keys are dead people"

"Well, that makes things..... 0.5% easier"

"Who's on the list?"

"Me, scott, kira, derek.... Jordon"

"Parrish? Jordan Parrish? Deputy Jordan Parrish? The one that works with my dad?! "

"Yes that Jordan Parrish, he's worth five million dollars"

"What is he?"

"How should I know, I didn't even know he was supernatural till now!"

"Do you think he knows?"

"I doubt it"

"Should we tell my dad about the dead pool?"


They had stopped talking after that, which was about an hour before I woke up.

Who's Alison? Did she die before me and Liam got suspended from Devenford? Was she friends with these juniors?

Was she Scott's anchor?

Who's Jordan Parrish? Isn't he the deputy if Beacon Hills?

And still my final question is, what the hell is a 'dead pool'?!

Ask them Skye!

Don't ask them, they'd tell you if you really need to know, right?

Don't they have to tell me, I mean im part if the pack now, right?

Actually, I'm not sure. I don't trust them and now I find out they're keeping secrets from me.

I'm asking them about the dead Pool!





Yes, urg!

Haha, I'm asking! In your face Skye! Oh wait I'm Skye...

I just had a mental battle, I feel like a nutjob.

Maybe I should talk to Liam about it first, I trust him more then those juniors.

"Hey Liam"

"What, Skye?"

"Have they talked to you about anything that's happening? Like, I don't know... assassinations of supernatural creatures?"

"No, why... someone got assassinated?"

"I'm not certain, but I heard them talking while I was asleep..."

"Are you sure it wasn't a dream?"


"What all did you hear?"

"They said something about assassins, cipher keys, something called a dead pool, and some girl named Allison."

"What's a dead pool?"

"I think it's a list if supernatural creatures that people will get paid to kill..."

"We're supernatural creatures now..."

"This is bad..."

"Really bad. we should..."

"Talk to Scott and the others about..."

"THE DEAD POOL" we said at the same time as we stood up.

"They're probably at the sheriffs department, they were going to talk to Stiles father about the dead pool"

"Hurry up, let's go"

"Do you know where the sheriffs department is from here?"

"Nooo... but we can figure it out, just follow your heart"

"What are you? A fortune cookie?"

"No, I'm a weretiger"

He rolled his eyes, "haha, so funny" he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Liam, this is no time for sarcasm. this is serious!"

"I know." he said. "Let's go, should we call them?"

We headed out if the house and sprinted towards the sheriffs office.

When they got there, they saw all of the juniors and Sheriff Stilinski talking. they were talking about the dead pool, but nothing made sense.

"The Walcotts had been in the dead pool, and they were wendigos. that guy that had been killed by the lake house last night, was on the dead pool"

"Dad, all of them except for Skye and Liam are on here. even Jordan's on it"

"Jordan, deputy Parrish? He's supernatural? What is he?"

"I don't know, we just know how much he's worth. 5 million dollars"

"Should we tell Jordan that people will be trying to kill him?"


I looked over at Liam and mouthed the words, "this is when we should go in, they have a lot if explaining to do." he nodded.

We quietly walked to the door of the office and opened it, making everyone in the room turn their heads toward us.

It was silent for a couple seconds before I spoke up, "is there something you'd like to tell us?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

They all looked at each other, until Scott decided that now would be a good of a time as ever.

"Yes, there is a lot we have to tell you. first off we are most likely all on a supernatural hit list."

"Two, it is called the dead pool"

"Three there are three parts"

"Four that thing that attacked you the night I but you was on it, he was a wendigo. which is pretty much just a canibal with claws and fangs."

"Five we have figured out the first cipher key, which unlocked the first part."

"All of us are on, it except for Stiles, you, and Liam"

"We know you'll most likely be on one part of it, just not how much your worth, or which part"

"The money being used to pay for the assassinations was stolen by Peter Hale. it was turned from bare bones, into 117 million dollars"

"We don't know who any if the assassins are except for one called The Mute, or who 'the benefactor' who runs the dead pool is"

"Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about this dead pool?"

"No, I think we covered everything"

"Greeeat, just great"

"Oh, and someone was killed at Lydia's lake house the night of the intervention, he was a werewolf. And last night a werewolf was killed by an assassin."

"The guy delivered alcohol to Lydia's party"

"But, right now let's just worry about our lacrosse scrimmage tonight"

I sighed, "against Devenford Prep, yippee. just another thing to my list of happy things"

"What's on your list if happy things that have to do with Devenford?"

"Liam trying to severely injure Brett Talbot"

"Why would he injure him?"

"Because we hate him, he hates us. it's been like that since we met. we kinda always had a hate, hate relationship"

[not edited]

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