IV) Nicholas: Rusty Old Nail

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"Nein, nein, nein!" I heard a sick man call from the back of the bunker. His voice was deep and husky sounding almost like a bear grunting. He made almost a sickening gurgling noise. "Halten, anhalten, bitte!" The poor man yelled. He was clearly hurt, and hurt badly. His screams were not going away because it appeared no one was there to help him out. It hurt me because he was calling for help and no one was helping, at least that I knew of. I walked down the corridor to see if I could come across someone. The base was dark and cold. "Bitte! Ich habe schmerz!" The man screamed in rough German. He was in a lot of pain and I was determined to see where it was coming from. "Das ist sehr schlecht. Halten bitte. Ich mochte nein Heilkunde weil ist zu schlecht. Du bist..." he yelled and screamed. The voice was ear piercing. It was almost phantom sounding. Maybe the corridors were haunted, but I knew they were not.

By the time I had reached the northern corridor the voice silenced. I looked in each of the rooms, but only to discover nothing. No one was there, nothing was there. I paced back to the other side where I heard the man screaming again. This time it was an even louder guttural sound. It almost reminded me of a very sick lion. "Deine.... Das ist nur... natürlich nein!" The man tried to scream in his clearly raspy voice. It was hard to understand his German because of how guttural and raspy his voice was. I could tell he was getting hoarse in the throat by each passing word that left his mouth. It was getting to the point where I could barely hear his German -he became inaudible. I felt bad, but I found no one in the quiet corridors. I was not even supposed to be up at 2 in the morning, but I couldn't sleep. That was becoming a new normal. There's absolutely no sleep here and it's scary. I crept closer and closer until I found nothing more than nothing. As soon as my body turned to the left I saw a rusty old nail that wasn't there before.

My ears were pierced with the sound of...

... air raid sirens...

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