XXXIV) Marion- Combatting

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After pulling the last remove before flight pin out of the landing gear I heard a quiet call from behind me. "Hey, you're Lieutenant Wright I am assuming." I took a look around, searching for the voice. There was a young man standing there behind me. He had brown eyes and longer dark hair. He looked shy, but still expressed himself well to me. "Yes sir, I am Lieutenant Wright. I'm pleased to meet you Lieutenant Hayes." I smiled at him as he walked closer. "You look good in that uniform." He unexpectedly said to me, "Ahh thank you!" I said in return. He began to speak again, "I'm Lieutenant Nathan Hayes, and my callsign is Golph." He was new here and they were having him fly with me in this mission impossible. "Hey Nate!" I heard a sweet girl's voice call.

To be honest, I felt so bad for every single one of these men. I didn't want any of them to die. The girl had long and light brunette hair that was pulled up perfectly in a bun. There were no flaws in her hair at all. Not even one strand stuck out of her pulled back updo. She ran over and gave him a long hug. "This is it." He said, "I'm so sorry." The way his eyes stared at her showed pure love and respect. He didn't take her for granted at all. They went together so perfectly. "Sarah, I love you so much. This is so hard." He said as her tears stained his uniform. It was clear that her emotions were worsening by the second. I truly felt bad because I knew exactly what she was going through. He was only two inches taller than her, but they were so cute together. He smiled shyly as his hand slowly pulled her face up and he gave her a short kiss. "Bye baby, I'll see you when I get back." He said as she tearfully walked away. Her head hung down low and her shoulders sagged as she took one last look at him, her Nathan.

After Nate left I decided to take the lead because the general gave me an order that I was in charge. My mind seemed clear. This was the clearest it has been in about a week. I felt a deep relief that was in the pit of my stomach. It was my job to make it out alive and get these pilots out alive. I knew this would be the end for me. I just have to get everyone else out safely. I felt that deep responsibility from the military. There are three jobs that I have been assigned. The first job being winning the war for America and her allies. Secondly, I had to stay alive, avoid getting shot, and avoid getting hurt. The last job is to save everyone else.

My head hung low as I finished up my check. The sirens sounded as I knew what I needed to do. The air was cold and the sounds were loud, which added to the heavy ambiance. I felt bad and the gut feeling became worse and worse. It was as if my stomach was telling me to not leave the ground. I thought about the final outcome of this -death. I was never accepted in my life, so no wonder why I'm so determined to be different. This drive has forced me to block out all emotions and feelings towards things. Maybe this would finally be the end of me. Maybe my body will be able to rest underground and my spirit will return to heaven only to be met with Nicky. It felt as if a thousand tons were crushing me down to the ground. However, there was no room to explain or no room to talk. My lips still burned from my short lived kiss with Lieutenant Marelli. It felt like it wiped all of Nick's away, and it broke my heart. I had to focus...

My feet took slow steps across the apron. "Lynx!" a shout in the distance said in a seemingly urgent manner. "Yes sir." My body stood at attention towards the man. When doing so I realized it was Marelli. "You fight this and you will make it out alive. This could be our final mission. You will not die, you hear me?" his voice projected towards me as his right hand gave me a salute. "Yes sir!" The emotions were slowly going away. All of my love and compassion was gone. I just had to get past this last mission and that would be it. "Time?" my shaky voice asked him. "Time? 18:50." he gave the time we needed to leave. I took a deep breath as I rested my head against the plane. "Can I have a hug?" he asked me. Sure enough I gave him a nice hug. "I love you Marion, and I care. You will make it out alive, as we will spare yours over mine. If I do not ever see you again, I just want to tell you how much of an amazing woman you are. These men do not see it -I do." He picked up his bag and left. The look in his eyes was sad, but full of love. I truly felt bad, but this mission was more important than my feelings.

It is time that I rise -rise above them all. I sat in the cockpit of my jet waiting for further instruction. I felt lost, but found all at the same time. My gears were spinning, waiting to fly this agile aircraft. What if I messed up? What if I got hurt? What if I hurt someone else? I couldn't think that way. I flipped all of the necessary switches and levers to turn on the plane. It was unchecked from the ground below and I was ready for takeoff. I had never been trained in one of these agile birds of prey, but I was determined to figure it out. I am smart -or so I think I am. 

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