XXVI) Marion- Consequences

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My heart fluttered as I took deep and heavy breaths. My cheeks were cherry red, almost reflecting the color of a very ripe Rainier cherry. My eyes heavily opened and closed as my lips smiled so my teeth were showing. I felt a warm hand on my back and I had comfort knowing it was there. I felt a smooth -yet cotton shirt. The tears poured down my eyes. The shirt was green and the arms that were holding me were warm and welcoming. I smelled German cologne with occasional hints of spearmint. The sound of a plane roared in my ears. The hug was broken and I recognized the airport as Stüttgart. The plane sat so perfectly next to us. I was met with dark brown eyes. They were so deep -deeper than the ocean. Our eyes locked and both our mouths smiled. His hair fell so perfectly to the side. The fog on my glasses disappeared and I could see him more clearly. "Marion! Baby that's you! Come here." His voice was quiet and calming. It almost sounded like water running. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and an old white pair of shoes. My black medium cut v-neck shirt went perfectly with his style.

The sun waned in the distance. "Nicky, I..." his arms wrapped my body in them as we stood next to the white Cirrus. "I love you." He finished. His hand entwined my brunette hair. He took my hair tie out and placed it in my pocket. "Beautiful." He said. Our eyes locked again, but this time it was different. He was my flight instructor, and isn't that weird for a female pilot to like her flight instructor? I took a breath as he slipped his jacket around me and zipped it up. None of us said anything more. His lonely eyes found a home. His tan face looked nice in the sunset. His hand lifted my chin up, he smiled, and then chuckled a little. Just then was when I felt him kiss me. I closed my eyes, let him hug me, and just zoned out. Oh how it felt so nice being appreciated by someone.


The sound of trumpets were heard all throughout the barracks. "Lieutenant, get your darn butt out of bed." A man yelled at me. I immediately jumped up and realized it was just a dream. I realized again that today is the day I must leave for Chernobyl. That certainly stained my ego and my confidence. Would I just die? Maybe at this point that's alright, but I don't want to die.

"Yes sir!" I stood up and got my comb for my hair. I heard footsteps approach me. "Ahh it's you again, so why haven't you killed me yet?" I asked politely. "You're no use for killing. Your situation is too arbitrary for me to waste time on. His name is Nick and I heard you crying his name. Lieutenant Wright, you've messed up big time. I know you both only kissed, but still. You've got some problems, so get up and get on your way. The plane leaves in two hours. They need us now." He slammed the door and left.

I realized I hadn't had a shower in four days. I also realized that I hadn't changed my clothes in three days. At this point it was no use to even make the effort. My comb roughly glided through my near horse hair. At this time it wasn't even worth anything more. All effort was thrown out the window. I had a random thought of a guy I knew back in high school who told me I couldn't fly. I laughed out loud knowing that I did the opposite. I threw everything in my small duffel bag and left. I slammed the door shut all out of pure anger. The bang echoed throughout the entire hallway. My angry body made it to the food court where I found some fruit and a couple pieces of French toast. I sat in the corner In pure disappointment. That dream wasn't even real, but yet it felt so real.

For some reason I always got dug into a hole. I'm sick of the mistakes and the irrationality, which most likely brings on pain. The clock on the wall ticked and clicked. "Good morning Lieutenant." A deep voice rang in my ears. "And might I remind you this; what do you want?" My face naturally went serious as the clock's ticking got louder. "The clock strikes noon and you're going away to a new place. Just hope you survive." The officer softened his smile. "Lieutenant Wright, it is okay. I've got your back. I can see that you're struggling with something. It's alright. I don't quite know all the way, but I have an idea. Empaths can connect more than ever. I know you seem broken, but you're stronger than that. The thunder rolls, but yet it continues on. Life is never about waiting out the rainstorm, it is about learning how to dance in the rainstorm with confidence. It just pierces the soul, but adaptation is necessary. You have a few people behind your back." That officer got up and left as soon as he said that last word. I never got to thank him, and I certainly never saw him again. 

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