Chapter 16

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I was securely strapped in when the ship smashed into the ground. I had no idea what just happened and I was scared to death. My heart was pounding so hard I'm pretty sure it could be heard on Coruscant.

            It took me a while to regain consciousness. My eyes groggily opened and I started to move my hands and feet to make sure my body was still intact. Once I knew I was okay, aside from the scrapes and bruises, my heart sunk. Andora, I thought.

            I looked back. I was completely blocked in. The ship's exterior must have collapsed to form this blockage. I unblocked the belt that strapped me in and slowly rose to my feet. My ankle felt sprained, but I couldn't worry about that right now. I had to get to Andora.

            "Andora!" I shouted for her a couple more times.

            I heard no response. A tear slid down my cheek but I had to hope she was alright.

            Wires that hung from the ceiling sparked around me and I jumped, already on edge. I looked at the blockage and placed a hand on it. Using the Force, I could tell that there wasn't much blockage between Andora and me.

I grabbed for my lightsaber. It wasn't there. I looked frantically around, trying to find my only source of defense. When I thought I had looked everywhere, I started to panic.

            "Calm down, Faven. It's okay." I calmed myself.

            When my brain was calm enough, I used the Force to try and find my saber. I opened my eyes and looked under the seat. When I picked up my lightsaber, I smiled. The Force hadn't failed me yet.

            I positioned my saber in front of the blockage and ignited it. Sparks flew everywhere, and I quickly cut a decently sized hole. Using the Force, I moved it out of the way.

            When I placed the wreckage down, I peered inside the hole I just cut. Andora was lying there, motionless on the ground. My fears were realized. I closed my eyes and looked away. I couldn't stop the tears from falling. Seeing her that way broke my heart.

            "Andora," I whispered, walking over to her. "Please wake up."

            I gently shook her shoulder. "Please," I sobbed.

I didn't know where we were. I didn't know how we had crashed. I didn't know how I was going to survive. I knew Andora was alive, I could feel the Force in her, and it was strong. I decided I needed to get help, I needed to help Andora.

            I stood up and started to walk out of the ship. Looking back at her body, I swallowed hard.

            "Please don't die." I whispered.

I walked long and far to find someone, something, some sign of life. Whatever planet this was, it was desolate, and not sincere. The sand swept across the ground and wrapped around my body; it was grainy and itchy. I already didn't like this place.

            Immediately I wished I had paid more attention in my planets course at the Temple.

            Suddenly, I saw what looked like a huge hole in the ground. I slowly made my way over to the hole and inched to the edge. Looking down, I saw life. There were little caves built into the side of the large hole and there was a lake on the bottom.

            "I'm on Utapau." I realized out loud. Now I remembered. Utapau was an outer rim planet which was untouched by was or violence. It was a very peaceful planet. Large caverns were built into the ground, thousands of meters deep. The inhabitants of Utapau lived in these caves, little cities that buzzed with life. At the bottom of the large hole, was water. The only source of water for these people were the underground rivers that ran through the planet.

            "You there!" I turned and saw a person.

            He was wearing typical Utapauian attire and had red markings on his face. I held my hands up in surrender and took a small step backwards. My foot slipped and almost had to catch my stomach in my hands. I started to fall into the hole, but quickly grabbed a rock protruding from the earth.

            My feet dangled in the air and I felt like screaming. I couldn't pull myself up.

            "Who are you?" The man walked up and stood over me.

            "I am a friend of the Republic." I struggled.

I tried desperately to hook my feet into the ground.

"I'm not here to hurt you." I added.

"The Republic?" The man wondered aloud.  "There is no war here. I hope you didn't bring it with you."

The man crouched down and grabbed my hands. He pulled me up and set me on equal footing. One a few minutes on a planet and I've almost died. Great start.

"Thank you." I said. "My friend is hurt and she needs medical attention."

"We cannot help you." The man answered quickly.

"But please! She's dying!" I tried.

"Leave now." He instructed.

I wasn't taking no for an answer.

"We are Jedi!" I had to blow my cover and I knew it. I had to save Andora.

The man stumbled backwards at what I just said. He was afraid. "Jedi!" He shouted.

Suddenly, a giant lizard emerged from the hole carrying a man on its back.

"Juh Quit," The man on the lizard said, addressing the man who just saved my life.

"She is a Jedi." Juh Quit said simply.

"We don't want war here." The mysterious lizard man said.

"I haven't brought war and I don't plan on bringing it with me." I commented plainly.

"Why are you here then?" The lizard man said.

"With all due respect, I am Faven Ognatori of the Jedi Order. My friend, and fellow Jedi, was badly injured when our ship crashed. She is dying and desperately needs help. Please, help us." I tried once more.

The man looked at Juh Quit and they exchanged silent glances. My heart was pounding.

"I am a Healer, and also one of the leaders of the Utapauian tribes. I can try to help." The lizard man said.

I was overjoyed and relieved. "Thank you! This way." I said, running back to the ship.

When we got back to the ship, I didn't see Andora where she was originally lying. She was gone and the ship was empty.

            "Where is this friend?" The lizard man asked, suspicious.

            "She was right here!" I tried to explain.

            Juh Quit pulled a sword. "Liar!" He shouted.

            Suddenly, Andora emerged from the shadows. She ignited her lightsaber and swung at Juh Quit.

            "Andora no," I warned.

            "You kill her, you kill me!" She shouted.

            "No!" I shouted.

            "Andora, stop." I ignited my lightsaber and our blades crossed. I had to keep her from killing Juh Quit. She didn't know what was going on, and she could hurt herself more by trying to defend me.

            "Stop," I said lightly.

            "He was going to hurt you." She reasoned.

            "Andora, no." I repeated.

            She put her saber away and, overcome by her injuries, she fell into my arms as if all the energy was drained from her. 

Padawan Gone ~ AU (2nd Installment of the Padawan Series)Where stories live. Discover now