Chapter 2

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My heart was beating wildly and my chest was heaving. I felt as if I was going to explode. My head was spinning almost as fast as my heart was racing. I felt exhausted and winded, but I know now that I was just scared.

Although I hated the Temple, I stood by my Master... and his decisions. I kept pushing myself to run, even though I wanted to slow down and breathe. There was no time for that. I pushed and pushed until the falling sun cast its shadow on the granite Temple walls.

At once I came to a halt, sending my body tumbling forward. I was on the ground and when I looked up, I saw my old home. A tear slid from my cheek. I wasn't sure if that was because of how fast I had just run, or because I missed this place. My heart cracked, I felt it too. It felt like falling off a cliff, but not hitting the ground. It felt like falling into misery and never climbing out.

It felt like a lonely, pitch black place, with nowhere to run. I steadied myself and slowly rose. I quietly walked up the steps, taking in what I saw. There were clone footprints dug into the steps, and a lone pair of Jedi boots led the march. I carefully looked at the treads. They definitely belonged to a Jedi, but who?

I kept on walking. Something in the back of my mind was telling me to stop and turn back, to leave. But I couldn't do that. I needed to know what happened, obviously something had. I felt a rift in the Force, as if millions of people were screaming out in pain. That broke my heart further.

Pressing on, I came to the giant Temple doors. They were usually open, but the marvelously crafted doors were slammed shut. I closed my eyes and concentrated. I connected myself with the Force and with one hand motion, the heavy doors flew open.

There was blood. Blood was everywhere.

Padawan Gone ~ AU (2nd Installment of the Padawan Series)Where stories live. Discover now