Chapter 30

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Slowly we crept out of the room. I could hear Faven breathing heavily behind me. She was scared. It was the same when we were on Utapau. All of my heart wanted to stop and calm her down, but my mind and body kept pressing on behind Rex.

Soon, we came to a corridor. Two paths, two destinies. Left and right. The left was unlighted, completely engulfed in darkness. I gulped looking at the magnitude of it all, the surrounding darkness made me cold, but also calm. The right was lighted and simple, the ideal path.

"Left leads to the clone dormitories. Right leads to the control center," Rex informed us.

I thought for a moment.

"Rex, take Mika and go to the control center. Faven and I will take the dorms. Attacking the clones while they sleep may be the best way to overtake the base," I suggested.

Everyone nodded in agreement, except Faven. She was completely rigid. I gave her a sympathizing look and she gave a small smile.

"We need to hurry. Curfew was only two hours ago. With luck, all of the clones will be asleep. You shouldn't have an issue," Rex told us.

"Good luck," I offered lightly.

"May the Force be with you," Faven reminded Mika.

Mika nodded and turned to the light. Rex gave me one last nod and headed off.

I looked at Faven, grabbed her hand and turned to the darkness.

"Should we use our lightsabers to see?" Faven asked, her voice cracking.

"We can't risk it," I replied.

She sighed as we kept walking into the dark abyss.

After walking for a while, I could tell Faven was getting slightly irritated, as was I. We couldn't see anything, both our minds were clouded by the darkness. I could barely stand to think. I knew she was going through the same thing, because every couple minutes she would complain about the major headaches that plagued her.

I didn't mind it though. It was nice we were finally going through the same thing together, on the same playing field. No differences, almost as if we were one person.

"Hey," She said as she abruptly stopped.

"What?" I asked, curious to why she stopped.

"Think," She simply instructed.

Concentrating on the Force, my mind became less clouded. I smiled. We were suddenly at another corridor.

"It's right," I pointed out confidently.

"I agree."

We both continued to the right, and soon we came to a door. It was the door to the dormitories.

"They're all asleep. I can feel it," Faven noted.

I nodded in agreement. Lightly, I grabbed the handle and opened the door. Opening the door, we both slid in.

"Lights?" I asked.

She nodded and I flipped on the lights.

"Blast it!" One of the clones shouted as he sat up.

We both ignited our lightsabers and stood back to back. Bunk beds were on both sides of the room. There were at least twenty clones in the dormitory. I felt like retreating, but I knew I had to stay strong for Faven.

"Jedi!" Some of the clones shouted together.

To our surprise, some of the clones slept with blasters by their sides. One by one, Faven and I started to massacre the men. I could tell Faven didn't like this. Slowly, I could feel her start to deteriorate, as if killing these clones was also killing her.

I had to act fast before she could be seriously injured. I noticed I was taking out almost twice as many clones at her. I jumped over her and handled the remaining clones on her side while she took the small few left on my side.

"This is wrong!" She shouted at me.

"We have no choice!" I shouted back.

"We always have a choice," I heard her mumble.

Not today, I thought. Although I was worried about Faven, I kept fighting off the clones.

Soon, all the clones were dead and Faven was on the ground. All of her energy was gone, she was hurting.

"Hey," I said lightly, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't," She shrugged away my hand and walked out the door.

I sighed heavily. She felt like what we did was wrong. A part of me did too, but in these strange times, I would do anything to survive. Maybe she wasn't willing to make that choice.

Padawan Gone ~ AU (2nd Installment of the Padawan Series)Where stories live. Discover now