Chapter 27

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When the morning came, we were lucky to be greeted with the lovely sound of birds chirping and sun shining. However, we were suddenly awoken by Mika, who was shouting from the cockpit.

"We're under attack!" She repeated over and over until her voice was hoarse.

Faven and I untangled ourselves from each other's arms and ran to help Mika.

"What's wrong?" Faven shouted as we made our way to the cockpit.

Suddenly, the ship was hit and we both fell to the ground. I got up as fast I could and ran to Mika, who was trying to steer the ship and fire the guns.

"It looks like we walked right in to an Imperial Brigade." She said, grunting as she tried to keep the wheel steady.

"There's Coruscant." I pointed out the window to the planet just beyond the brigade.

"Do we try and get around it?" She asked.

"No," Faven said, rising from the ground and coming over to us.

"Why not?" Mika asked, clearly hoping for another answer.

"It's a death trap. Anakin probably put them here to deter any surviving Jedi, or to slaughter them." She guessed.

"That's just a guess. We don't know that for sure." Mika countered.

"When they scan the lifeforms on our ship for midi-chlorians, they will know we are Jedi. I say we leave before they blow us and our ship up." Faven argued.

They both looked at me.

"I'm sorry Mika. We can't risk this. We need to turn back, head for Mygeeto." I said, siding with Faven.

"Ugh. It's not fair. It's always going to be two against one." Mika sulked.

"Live with it kid. We have to get out of here." Faven said, pulling us into Hyperspace.

Once we were safely out of the reach of the Imperials, Mika began to argue with us, again.

"We could have gotten around them!" She started.

"Before or after they shot us into smithereens?" Faven countered.

"I thought we were supposed to find surviving Jedi and help them hide from the Imperials. That's clearly not what we are doing. We are running away!" She said exasperated, throwing her hands in the air.

Faven stood up, clearly irritated with Mika's childish arguments.

"Look," she started, "Andora and I are in charge here. Either you listen to us, or we will drop you off at the next Imperial infested planet. Got it?" She questioned.

Mika nodded subtly.

"Great," Faven remarked, turning to me.

"Where are we headed to next?" She asked me.

"I say Mygeeto."

Faven's brows tightened. "That's almost an uninhabited planet."

"Almost," I replied smiling.

Faven smiled too.

"Set course for Mygeeto, Mika."

I looked to the young girl, who was sitting with her feet dangling off the side of the chair. I just shook my head and smiled.

"Sure. Since I clearly have no opinion," She muttered.

I rolled my eyes, and Faven pretended not to hear that.

Padawan Gone ~ AU (2nd Installment of the Padawan Series)Where stories live. Discover now