Chapter 18

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When I was back in my room, I nervously looked at Faven. All that I knew, and all that I didn't want to know what coming true. The facts that I thought I could hide were being brought to light and I couldn't deny them any longer.

"What was that about?" Faven asked me, gently closing the door.

"You were right. My eyes weren't fooling me when I saw Anakin at the Temple. He's the one murdering the Jedi. It's all true." I said hollowly.

She looked at me.

"That's why we need to lay low. That's why we are trying to get away from him. We are trying not to die. Besides, that crash could have killed us alone." She added sarcastically.

"Everything is falling apart. The Order, the Republic..." I trailed off.

"It's being replaced by Anakin's new Empire."

"His new Empire?" I spat.

"I sense he's being controlled, though. Chancellor Palpatine has mysteriously disappeared and the Jedi have been suspicious of him since his time as a Senator. He is not one to be trusted." She kept rambling.

"We need to contact my Master." I said, ignoring her comments.

"Why would we do that? Do you want to get us killed?"

"No, I'm trying to save our lives." I said exasperated.

"No, you're planning our death by contacting Kenobi!" She exclaimed.

"We need his help. He's smart and he can help us hide." I reasoned.

"We are in a good spot so far. Anakin wouldn't look for us on Utapau. Besides, it's dangerous to contact Kenobi. From what I hear, the new Empire is tracing all transmissions."

"We have to try."

"No. We don't." She grabbed my hand.

"Faven, please. We can't stay here," I said, pulling my hand away.

"Why not? It's a perfect place." She gestured around her, looking over the room.

"Anakin and his clones can find Jedi anywhere. The Jedi are all across the Galaxy and I'm sure Anakin won't hold back in sending out forces to extinguish our existence. We need to hide somewhere safer," I pleaded.

"We are fine here." She replied.

"Please try and contact Master Kenobi," I said, sitting on the bed. My side began to ache again.

"You need to rest."

"Please try to contact him."

"We don't even know where he is!"

"Try Tatooine. Anakin would never dare to go there."

"Alright, I'll try. Utapau isn't exactly a hotspot for connection, though." She laughed.

I smiled. "Thank you,"

When she was gone, I started to close my eyes and everything changed. Something happened that never had before.

Italics in this chapter will represent Andora's dreams

It was night. I saw a dark cloaked figured in the moonlight. I quieted myself and ducked down.

"Ahsoka! You betrayed me." I heard a voice shout.

"No, Master. I've always followed you!" It was Ahsoka who was shouting back.

"I trusted you!"

"Anakin!" She shouted. The blade came down and she screamed. I whimpered and tried to run for her. My body was frozen and I couldn't move.

"Who's there?" Anakin asked, turning towards me. His face was illuminated in the moonlight.

"Andora! Two Jedi!"

"Anakin, no!" I shouted, not able to run away.

He swung his lightsaber but I ignited mine and our blades crossed. To my surprise, a deep red color was emitted from my lightsaber.

"What?" He asked, stumbling backwards. "A Sith?" I looked at the blade in awe.

I couldn't speak.

"You were a Sith all along." He drawled.

I looked up at him, tearing my eyes away from the piercing blade.

"No," I said.

"It has been done. I will take you as my apprentice." I looked up at him. It was the only thing that would save me from death.

"Will you be my apprentice?" He asked.

I couldn't form words, so I nodded my head.

He pulled his lightsaber up and cut into my face. I screamed in anguish.

Holding my face, I scrambled back. "Why did you do that?"

"To prove your loyalty."

I could feel the skin sizzling and figured that my wound was cauterized. I got up and put my lightsaber in its sheath.

"I will follow you. I have nothing to prove." I mumbled.

"You have everything to prove." He replied.

I woke up screaming.

Padawan Gone ~ AU (2nd Installment of the Padawan Series)Where stories live. Discover now