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 When Akutagawa got back from seeing Atsushi, he had just now realized that he had never called Atsushi by his  real name... He only called him "Jinko" and nothing else. Did he even know what Atsushi's real name was? Now that he thought of it, he couldn't remember... Even if Akutagawa did know Atsushi's real name, he wouldn't ever call him by it.

 That's when Akutagawa realized something else... It had been 3 months since he promised Atsushi not to kill anyone for 6 months... When those 6 months were over, he would also kill Atsushi.

 Sometimes Akutagawa wished that Atsushi didn't exist at all... If Atsushi never became a member of the Detective Agency, maybe Akutagawa could finally get the attention of Dazai... Now with Atsushi in the way of everything though, Dazai will never notice him. Dazai is even making it worse, by making them work together. Why does Atsushi have to get in the way of everything?

Akutagawa: "He's so annoying..." Akutagawa thought furiously.

Higuchi: "What are you doing, Akutagawa?"

Akutagawa: "Oh, nothing... I was just... Thinking I guess..."

Higuchi: "Thinking about what?"

Akutagawa: "It's none of your business, Higuchi!"

Higuchi: "Well alright then..."

 Then Higuchi walked out of the room that Akutagawa was in, looking rejected that Akutagawa wouldn't talk to her... Akutagawa didn't even want to talk to her. Sometimes he wishes that she would just leave him alone for once. Or least let them have have a normal conversation without Higuchi simping for him all the time...

 That's when someone else came in...

Akutagawa: "Ugh... Who could it be now?" Akutagawa thought to himself.

Gin: "Hey, Ryuunosuke? It's me, Gin... You have a letter."

 Gin handed Akutagawa the letter.

Gin: "It says that it's from the Detective Agency."

 Gin left, and Akutagawa started to open the letter.

Akutagawa: "From the Detective Agency, huh?" Akutagawa thought.

 Dear, Akutagawa

 You are invited to Ranpo's birthday party! The party is this Sunday. We would appreciate if you came!

 Sincerely, Dazai

 Akutagawa was getting invited to Ranpo's birthday party! Dazai would be there, too. Maybe if he behaved just right, Dazai would finally recognize him! That would also have to mean that Atsushi would be there... But if Dazai would be there, then it would be worth it!

 The birthday party was only in 2 days from now... So that meant that Akutagawa only had 2 days to get right ready for it!

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