Hangout Or Date?

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Atsushi: "hey Aku?"

Akutagawa: "what's up?"

Atsushi: "I was wondering if we could go out somewhere together. like hangout"

Akutagawa: "oh ya sure! when and where were you thinking we could do it?"

Atsushi: "like tomorrow afternoon at the cafe"

Akutagawa: "ok I'll definitely be there!"

Atsushi: "ok thanks!"

 Atsushi felt really excited for some reason... What was this feeling? Well whatever it was, he knew that he was only doing this so that nobody died...

。 。 。

 Akutagawa was super excited to see Atsushi again! He was happy that Atsushi had asked him this time instead of him having to ask Atsushi!

。 。 。

 The next day at a cafe in Yokohama, Akutagawa was waiting at a table for Atsushi to arrive. Then Atsushi came through the doors and spotted Akutagawa in his day-off clothes instantly.

Atsushi: "Oh hey, Akutagawa!" Atsushi said, trying to act friendly.

Akutagawa: "Oh, Jinko! I'm so happy to see you here! I already got us a table as you can see."

 Atsushi sat down across from Akutagawa.

Waiter: "What would you two like to eat today?"

Akutagawa: "I'll have pancakes!"

Waiter: "What about the boy with the white hair?"

Atsushi: "Oh, I'll just have a coffee..."

Waiter: "Alright!"

 The waiter left and Akutagawa looked at Atsushi, slightly smiling.

Akutagawa: "So how was your day, Jinko?"

Atsushi: "Oh, it was alright I guess. What about you?"

Akutagawa: "Same here!"

Atsushi: "Akutagawa?"

Akutagawa: "Yes?"

Atsushi: "You used to be so aggressive towards me... What happened to you?"

Akutagawa: "Jinko, you've been so nice and caring towards me... Your not as bad I thought you were... Jinko, I want to be your friend!"

 Atsushi slightly blushed.

Atsushi: "O-Oh! Well... Me too, Akutagawa!"

Waiter: "Here's your orders!"

 The waiter set down the pancakes and coffee, then left. Akutagawa started to eat.

Akutagawa: "You do want some?"

Atsushi: "N-No thanks..."

Akutagawa: "Are you sure? I'm willing to give you some!"

Atsushi: "Well, I guess that's fine..."

 Then Akutagawa put a small piece of the pancake onto his food and put it up to Atsushi's face. Atsushi was a bit confused at first. Then he bit it off of Akutagawa's fork. Akutagawa laughed at him.

Akutagawa: "Haha, you weren't supposed to bite it off of my fork! You were supposed to take the fork! You silly Jinko.

 Atsushi felt super embarrassed and blushed really hard.

Atsushi: "O-Oh..."

Akutagawa: "Oh, no need to feel embarrassed about it, Jinko! I don't mind!"

。 。 。

 After they were done eating, it was time to play the bill.

Akutagawa: "I'll pay for it, Jinko! No need."

Atsushi: "No, I should probably do it..."

 They kept arguing about who should pay the bill.

Waiter: "Aww, what a cute couple!"

 They both overheard that, and blushed super hard.

Atsushi: "W-We're not a couple!" Atsushi shouted.

。 。 。

 Later, when Atsushi got home, he just kept staring at the ceiling while on his bed. He was really embarrassed and couldn't stop blushing the entire rest of that day.

Atsushi: "Ughh! What was I thinking!" Atsuhsi thought to himself.

 Then Dazai came into Atsushi's room.

Dazai: "Hey, Atsushi! Why is your face all red? Did something happen? Is it about Akutagawa? I saw you with him at the cafe earlier..." Dazai said while smirking.

Atsushi: "Shut up, Dazai! Go away!"

Dazai: "Alright..." Dazai said while still smirking as he left Atsushi's room.

The 6th Month - Atsushi x AkutagawaWhere stories live. Discover now