"Every Dream Has A Meaning"

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 When Atsushi woke up, he thought about. All he had remembered was Akutagawa being in it... What could it have been of?

 Atsuhsi was still kind of embarrassed about what had happened last night... Atsushi would go to the cafe to get some breakfast for the morning.

Dazai: "Good morning, Atsushi! How did you sleep last night?"

Atsushi: "Good morning, Dazai... I slept well I guess... What about you?" Atsushi said while yawning.

Dazai: "Well that's great! I well slept well, too!"

 Lucy was at the cafe today as well, serving everyone.

Atsushi: "Oh hey, Lucy!"

Lucy: "Oh hi, Atsushi..." Lucy would say quietly.

 Atsushi would sit down across from Dazai.

Atsushi: "I had a weird dream last night, Dazai..." Atsushi said still tired.

Dazai: "What was it about?"

Atsushi: "I saw someone in it, but it was too blurry to make out..."

Dazai: "Oh, well every dream has a meaning, now doesn't it? Maybe it was about someone in your life who was in your dream."

Atsushi: "Yeah, maybe your right."

Lucy: "Here's your coffee, Dazai. Would you like anything, Atsushi?"

Atsushi: "Oh, sure! Can I get a coffee, please?"

Atsushi: "But who could it have been of? I mean I can't really remember who it was right now..."

Dazai: "Maybe it was Akutagawa!" Dazai said with a slight smirk.

Atsushi: "But I've never had a dream about him before, even though how many times we have seen each other."

Dazai: "Well you did just see him last night at the party, now didn't you?"

Atsushi: "Yeah, I guess so..."

Lucy: "Here's your coffee, Atsushi!"

 Lucy would give Atsushi his coffee and then leave again.

 Now that Atsushi thought about it, maybe it really was Akutagawa that was in his dream... He  remembered what had actually happened last night.

Atsushi: "Now that I think about it, maybe your right, Dazai... I think that maybe it really was Akutagawa..."

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