Dreaming Of You

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 That night, Atsushi had a similar dream from earlier. Or maybe it was the same dream? He didn't know, but it was less blurry this time. He saw Akutagawa again. But dream was still really blurry, just less blurry than last time. This time Atushi could make out a little bit what was actually happening in the dream. Akutagawa was sitting next to him really closely and Atsushi was looking at him. But that's all that he could get before he woke up again...

 He went to the cafe the next morning to tell Dazai about it.

Atsushi: "I had the same dream that I have last night, Dazai. It was less blurry this time!"

Dazai: "Well that's good! What happened in it this time?"

Atsushi: "Akutagawa was sitting next to me. That's all I could remember though..."

Dazai: "Hmm... Maybe it has something to do with your relationship together. Maybe your relationship now, or maybe your relationship for the future!"

Atsushi: "That's sounds like it could be true...

 Dazai smirked.

Dazai: "Yep..."

。 。 。

 After what happened that night of the party, Akutagawa couldn't focus at all... All he could think about was Atsushi... Atsushi, Atsushi, Atsushi... He was super embarrassed about what happened that night, and had been for the past few days. And whenever someone asked what was wrong with him, he didn't answer them. What was this feeling? Was it hatred? Was he desperate for something? What was he desperate for? He didn't know, but he had to do something about it.

 Later that day, Akutagawa texted Dazai.


Akutagawa: "hey Dazai? can I talk to Jinko? like get his number or something"

Dazai: "why?"

Akutagawa: "can you just ask him?"

Dazai: "alr"

 Dazai went to Atsushi to ask him.

Dazai: "Hey, Atsushi! Akutagawa wants your number!

Atsushi: "What?"

Dazai: "Yup"

 Then Dazai handed Atsushi a paper with Akutagawa's number on it.

Dazai: "Here you go!"

Atsushi: "But why does he want to-"

 But Dazai left before he Atsushi could even finish what he was trying to say.

Atsushi: "Well okay then..."

 And then Atsushi decided to text the number.

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