"Maybe I don't hate him?"

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 After they both finished their ice-creams and were about to leave, Akutagawa stopped Atsushi.

Akutagawa: "Wait, Jinko, before you leave!"

Atsushi: "Yeah, what is it?"

 Then Akutagawa leaned over to Atsushi, and kissed cheek.

Atsushi: "I-I..."

 Atsushi's face was super red. Akutagawa was also slightly blushing.

 Then Akutagawa smiled and walked off.

 Atsushi was super confused and his face was all red. Akutagawa now already too for Atsushi to say anything else about it.

。 。 。

 When Atsushi got home later, he was so embarrassed and he was still really confused. He didn't know why Akutagawa had done that... He didn't want to text him about it, because of how embarrassed he was.

 Then Dazai came in, for once not barging in like he usually did.

Dazai: "Hey, Atsushi! How was your "date" with Akutagawa?" Dazai said with a smirk.

Atsushi: "IT WASN'T A DATE!"

Dazai: "I've read your text messages recently... You've been seeing him a lot now haven't you?"

Atsushi: "Well, it's not what you think it is, Dazai!"

Dazai: "Oh, come on! You like Akutagawa! Romantically or platonically, you like him either way. Just admit it already!"

Atsushi: "Look, I'm only doing this so that he doesn't kill me in 2 months!"

Dazai: "Are you sure, Atsushi? Your face is all red as well. I can tell that it was because of something that happened at your "date" with Akutagawa, now wasn't it?"

Atsushi: "No, it wasn't!"

Dazai: "Just say it already, Atsushi!"

Atsushi: "Okay, fine... Akutagawa... H-He..."

Dazai: "He? He? He what, Atsushi?"

Atsushi: "H-He... He kissed me on the cheek!" Atsushi said, now blushing even more than before.

Dazai: "Oh, wow! He must definitely like you, Atsushi!"

Atsushi: "S-Shut up, Dazai! Just go away..."

Dazai: "Alright then..."

。 。 。

 Later that day, Atsushi was finally questioning whether he actually did hate Akutagawa or not... What was to even hate about him now that he was friendly towards Atsushi? He was really nice and caring towards him, it would just be rude to hate on Akutagawa for no reason now... But Atsushi just didn't want to admit it!

 But the truth was, was that Atsushi really did like Akutagawa... Only platonically, of course... He couldn't imagine actually falling for Akutagawa! Like who would do that? Expect for Higuchi, of course... But she was just a simp for him, to be honest.

。 。 。

 The next day, Atsushi had to come up with a step #4 to his plan of befriending Akutagawa. He decided that he should get to know Akutagawa better, this time. He would probably ask to play video games with Akutagawa as his place. Atsushi remembered that he had a gaming council and a TV to play with it on.

 So Atsushi decided that would be the plan for step #4!

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