Romantic Or Platonic Thoughts?

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 When Atsushi tried to go to sleep later, he just couldn't sleep. He soon realized that this was because of Akutagawa... Did he actually want to be friends with Akutagawa? Or even... No he wouldn't let himself think like that! What would he even do for step #2? All he knew was that he wanted Akutagawa... He didn't know why he wanted Akutagawa or what "wanted" even meant. Did he want to talk to Akutagawa? Did he want to see Akutagawa? Did he want to actually befriend Akutagawa? Atsushi didn't know, but it had been keeping him up all night long... That's when he had a plan for step #2! He would ask to hangout with Akutagawa! And probably to make it awkward again like he did last time... But where would he ask to go with Akutagawa? Maybe he could ask to go to some kind of cafe or restaurant with Akutagawa... Yes, that would be it!

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 When Atsushi finally fell asleep, he had a similar or the same dream that he had a like a week or something ago with Akutagawa in it... It hadn't been so blurry like it was last time. It had Akutagawa sitting next to him. His face really close to Atsushi's face. Atsuhsi look down and see... Their hands touching...  And Akutagawa's face was really red. Atsushi had noticed that their faces were closer than he had remembered the last he had dreamed about this happening... Then the dream ended and Atsushi woke up.

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 Akutagawa was sleeping. He was dreaming about something. In this dream of his, he and Atsushi were sitting next to each other... Atsushi's face all red and close to his... Their hands touching... And then Akutagawa woke up... What had that dream been about? He didn't know, but was really weird to him.

 This morning, he had Atushi on his mind... He was able to sleep a lot easily with the blanket that Atsushi had given to him. He was a lot more warm and was able to go to sleep faster. His bed was still really uncomfortable to  sleep on, but it was way better than sleeping with no blanket on... He had been super thankful for Atsushi's kindness! Eye had also eaten all of the chocolates inside of the box already. They were really good! Akutagawa couldn't thank Atsushi enough for all of this...

 That's when it had occurred to Akutagawa. All of his thoughts about Atsushi... All of his urges to see and talk to him again... How thankful he was for what Atsushi had done for him... His face turning red whenever Atsushi got really close to him... It had been 4 months. 4 months since he had promised to not kill anybody for Atsuhsi for 6 months. And when those 6 months were over... He would kill Atsushi... But now. Now Akutagawa didn't want to kill Atsushi anymore... He didn't even want to kill anyone at all! Atsushi had changed him... He wanted Atsushi... He didn't want to hate him anymore... He wanted to get closer with Atsushi. And see him everyday. He wanted... He wanted to be friends with Atsushi. Yes, friends. With Atsushi. He liked Atsuhsi and all of his kindness that he done for him.. But did Atsushi feel the same way? He didn't know, but he hoped so...

P.S. Sorry I had to add the "friend" part. 😔✋

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