"Where were you, Atsushi?"

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 The next morning, Akutagawa and Atsushi woke up with their faces really close to each other's. Akutagawa was the first one to wake up, but he was still half asleep. He yawned.

Akutagawa: "J-Jinko?"

Atsushi: "H-Huh?... OH!"

 Then Atsushi realized what was happening. He blushed really hard.

Atsushi: "AH! I'M SO SORRY!"

 Atsushi quickly gets up and tries to leave, feeling a bit embarrassed about happened last night.

Akutagawa: "D-Don't leave just yet..." Akutagawa said, still half awake.

Atsushi: "I have to go..."

 That's when Akutagawa got up and he hugged Atsushi from behind to keep him from leaving. Atsushi blushed.

Atsushi: "H-Huh?"

Akutagawa: "Don't l-leave... Just yet..."

 Akutagawa then slid down onto the ground and fell back asleep.

 Atsushi then made his escape from Akutagawa's place and went back to the Detective Agency. His hair was now a mess and his clothes wrinkled because of how he had sleep in them last night. When he got back to the Detective Agency, Dazai was already waiting for him inside.

Dazai: "Where were you, Atsushi? You look like a mess right now! We couldn't find you or Akutagawa after the part last night!"

Atsushi: "I- I just- I just tried to get away from the party. I didn't want to be there I guess..."

Dazai: "But where were you?"

Atsushi: "I just was wandering around the city..." Atsushi then yawned.

Dazai: "You look tired, Atsushi! You should get some sleep."

Atsushi: "Oh, alright..."

 Then Atsushi went to his room to take a nap. Atsushi then remembered what had happened the night before. Was he still going to try to befriend Akutagawa? Was he still going to do step #1?

。 。 。

 When Atsushi finally fell asleep, he had a weird dream... It was a blur, but he remembered seeing Akutagawa in it... He couldn't quite make out what was happening because again, it was just a dream. Too blurry to remember anything...

 When Atsushi woke up, he thought about. All he had remembered was Akutagawa being in it... What could it have been of?

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