"Why are you being so nice?"

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Atsushi: "I think Dazai really wants us to dance together..."

 This time, both Akutagawa and Atsushi blushed a lot.

 Then they started to slow-dance together, as they also blushed really hard.

Atsushi: "Why was Dazai so desperate to get us to dance together?"

Akutagawa: "He's probably just trying to annoy us..."

Akutagawa: "I really don't want to do this anymore..."

Atsushi: "Maybe we could stop when Dazai isn't looking."

Akutagawa: "Yeah, hurry up..."

 Then they quickly stopped and ran outside of the party before Dazai could notice them. When they got outside, it was already night. They were both looking up at the sky and the stars as they started to talk to each other.

Atsushi: "What now?"

Akutagawa: "I should probably get going..."

 Akutagawa then started to walk away. But just as he was going, Atsushi had remembered the list he made a few days ago.

" 2. Befriend Akutagawa "

Atsushi: "W-Wait!"

 Akutagawa looked back at Atsushi.

Akutagawa: "What do you want now, Jinko?"

Atsushi: "Can I... Can I go with you?"

Akutagawa: "Why would you want to go with me?"

Atsushi: "Well you know... I wouldn't want Dazai to find me and possibly get mad at me because I didn't want to... Dance... With you anymore..."

Akutagawa: "Ugh... Fine, I guess..."

 Atsushi was surprised that Akutagawa actually was going to let him go with him. Then they started to walk together.

 As Akutagawa and Atsushi walked back to Akutagawa's place together, Akutagawa still didn't understand why Atsushi wanted to come with him. He knew that Dazai would never get mad at Atsushi for that. Atsushi was probably just using that as an excuse... But an excuse for what? Was him and Dazai trying to take him down? Or did Atsushi actually did think Dazai would get mad at him for doing that?

。 。 。

Luckily, when they got to Akutagawa's place, people like Higuchi and Gin weren't there to bother him and ask him questions about why Atsushi was there too, like they did at the Port Mafia. Not so much Gin, but Higuchi especially would try to annoy him.

Atsushi: "I'm tired..." Atsushi said while yawning, "Do you have an extra room that I can sleep in for the night, Akutagawa?"

Akutagawa: "No... You can- Sleep in my bed... I'll just sleep on the floor for tonight."

Atsushi: "Oh, you don't have to-"

 But Akutagawa insisted that he would sleep on the floor. Even if Atsushi maybe actually was going to take him down, he still had to be nice to him. He didn't feel like ruining anybody else's day, since his was already ruined.

 When Atsushi walked into Akutagawa's room, he realized how uncomfortable the floor actually looked. As much as he actually hated Akutagawa, he kind of felt bad for him for the first time.

Atsushi: "Hey, Akutagawa, you don't have to sleep on the floor... I'll do it!

Akutagawa: "It's only one night, I'll be fine!"

Atsushi: "Akutagawa... Why are you being so nice?"

Akutagawa: "J-Just... Go to bed now, Jinko..."

 Then Akutagawa left the room. Atsushi decided that he was going to snoop around Akutagawa's room a little bit. While doing so, he realized that Akutagawa didn't own a lot of things... He closet was very small and he didn't have any decorations or even a blanket for his bed. His room, in general, was very small and bland as well... Atsushi felt really bad for him, but it's not like there was really anything that he could do...

 Well... Atsushi could buy something for Akutagawa. Maybe more than just one thing for him too... He could even gain Akutagawa's trust so that he wouldn't kill him in the next 3 months! It was an amazing idea so that Atsushi wouldn't have to kill Akutagawa and Akutagawa wouldn't have to kill him! That would be step #1 to befriending Akutagawa!

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