"This Is For You, Akutagawa"

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 The next day he was going to give his gift to Akutagawa. And soon enough, the new day came... Atsushi was nervous, but he had to do this... He still felt a bad for what had happened the other day. So he had to apologize to him somehow.

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 Atsushi left his place and was headed towards Akutagawa's place to give him his gift. He was super nervous.

 When Atsushi got to Akutagawa's place, he slowly knocked on the door. After a few seconds, Akutagawa opened the door.

Akutagawa: "Jinko? W-What are you doing here?"

Atsushi: "I... I came here to apologize to you, Akutagawa. I'm so sorry about what happened the other day..."

Akutagawa: "Oh... I-It's okay... I don't really care about it anyway."

Atsushi: "Wait, really? You looked really uncomfortable when I hugged you.."

Akutagawa: "Okay, maybe I was just a bit uncomfortable, but I know that you weren't trying to make me uncomfortable, Jinko..."

Atsushi: "Oh... Well, anyway... This is for you, Akutagawa. As an apology..."

Akutagawa: "What is it?"

Atsushi: "You can open it..."

Akutagawa: "Here, come inside first"

 Then Akutagawa took Atsushi's hand, and brought him into his living room. Atushi slightly blushed. Then Akutagawa put the gift down onto a table and slowly started to unwrap it.

Akutagawa: "Oh! What is this?"

Atsushi: "I-I bought you a blanket so that your weren't cold at night... And a box of chocolates as well..."

 Akutagawa blushed really hard.

Akutagawa: "Oh, you noticed that I didn't have one... Th-Thank you... So much.. Jinko. And ask also really like chocolate as well."

Atsushi: "Of course, Akutagawa!"

 Atsushi smiled nervously while slightly blushing. Then Atsushi did something that he would never regret...

 Atsushi went over and quickly kissed Akutagawa on the cheek.

Akutagawa: "H-Huh? Jinko?"

 Then Atsushi started to blush like crazy, realizing what he had just done.

Atsushi: "AHH I'M SO SORRY!!! I-I-I..."

Akutagawa: "No... I-It's fine, Jinko... Anyway, you should leave now. Thank you for the gifts, by the way."

Atsushi: "O-Okay..."

 So Atsushi left the house, still blushing super hard.

Atsushi: "Ughhh!! Why did I do that!?" Atsushi thought to himself.

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