Snap out of it Akutagawa!

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 How could that even be? Him? Falling for Atsushi? No, no, no... That's just impossible!

 Akutagawa couldn't think straight for awhile. What was he going to do? He couldn't just admit that he was actually falling for Atsushi even if he actually was! How would he even tell Atsushi about this? If he could in the first place?

 Akutagawa really thought about it for a moment... Being with Atsushi. He thought about the different kinds of romantic things they could do together as a couple. Like kissing or going out on dates.

 Akutagawa quickly snapped out of it, blushing. What was he thinking? He couldn't possibly be ACTUALLY falling for Atsushi, could he?

 Thinking about actually being Atsushi's boyfriend make Akutagawa's head spin. He was feeling a bunch of different emotions at once, and didn't know how to end them.

 "Ugh!" He let out.

 Akutagawa then realized someone who he could reach out to to get help for his whole situation! Dazai!

。 。 。


Akutagawa: "hey dazai? I kinda need some help right now"

Dazai: "yeah what's up?"

Akutagawa: "I think that I might be..."

Dazai: "might be what?"

Akutagawa: "uhm I think that I might be in love with Atsushi!"

 Akutagawa quickly sent the message without looking.

Dazai: "haha I saw this coming..."

Akutagawa: "just pls help me already!"

Dazai: "alright alright"

Dazai: "so you say you're in love him right? well I could get you two on a date if you'd like!"

 Akutagawa blushed just thinking about it.

Akutagawa: "I think that would be nice actually"

Dazai: "great then! how about we put the date on Saturday?"

 Next Saturday was in just two days from then.

Akutagawa: "alright then sounds good! thanks Dazai!"

Dazai: "ofc ofc"

P.S. SORRY FOR NOT POSTING A NEW CHAPTER IN AWHILE ideas don't usually always come to me lol

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