"You Missed Me?"

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Atsushi: "Yeah, but the truth is... I also wanted to see you again, Akutagawa..."

 Akutagawa blushed a lot.

Akutagawa: "Wait, really?"

Atsushi: "Well... Yeah, I guess so...

Akutagawa: "Wow... I never thought that you would want to see someone like me again..."

Akutagawa: "Do you even want to be here?"

Atsushi: "I don't know, but I did decide to come here myself... Dazai surprisingly didn't have to force me this time..."

Akutagawa: "Oh... But I just don't get it... Why would YOU want to come here with me? And why would you even... You missed me?"

 Then Atsushi went over to Akutagawa, and hugged him.

Akutagawa: "H-Huh?"

 Atsushi realized Akutagawa.

Atsushi: "I'm sorry."

Akutagawa: "W-What was that for?"

 Akutagawa looked confused but Atsushi just looked at the ground after, blushing really hard.

Atsushi: "Actually... I think that I have to go..."

 Atsushi started to walk very fast away from Akutagawa, very embarrassed.

Akutagawa: "J-Jinko? W-wait!"

 But Atsushi walking fast, turned into running away. Akutagawa tried to go after him, but realized that it wouldn't be worth anything. What would he even do? They were supposed to hate each other anyway... Right?

。 。 。

 When Atsushi got back to his place, he didn't know what to. Why had he even agreed to go with Akutagawa? Dazai didn't even know that he had gone with him... The fact that Dazai didn't have to convince him at all to go, was kind of scary. It was still kind of rude that Atsushi just left Akutagawa without saying anything after doing that to him. What if Akutagawa felt uncomfortable? Or what if he didn't want that to happen? He was probably also really embarrassed about what happened as well... Why did Atsushi even care though? It's not like he liked Akutagawa or anything... Why was he even thinking about this at all? Atsuhsi just wanted to die at that moment...

 That's when Atsushi remembered that his plan about befriending Akutagawa might still work... So that he wouldn't die or he didn't have to kill anybody. Not just to become friends with Akutagawa... He didn't want to become friends with Akutagawa! Right?

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