Ranpo's Birthday Party

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 2 days turned into 2 hours, before Ranpo's birthday party. Akutagawa decided to dress fancy for this party, and put on a suit. Of course, Higuchi was going crazy about it, complimenting Akutagawa for how good he looked and how handsome he was. But Akutagawa didn't really care. He was already used to this behavior coming from Higuchi everyday.

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 Finally it was a few minutes before the birthday party. Akutagawa had arrived at the Detective Agency and walked on in.

Dazai: "Welcome, Akutagawa! Thank for you attending Ranpo's birthday party! I didn't think that you'd even come!"

Akutagawa: "Of course, I couldn't decline such an offer to come here."

Dazai: "Everyone else is over here! Follow me!"

 Akutagawa then went to go follow Dazai.

Dazai: "Here we are!"

 The room had confetti and tables with a bunch of food and snacks on it. There was also a dance floor and a few tables.

 That's when Akutagawa notched somebody else in the room... It was Atsushi... I mean of course Atsushi would be here! He just wished that Atsushi maybe had other things to do. Then Atsushi noticed Akutagawa. He gave him a hard and angry stare for a few seconds. But Atsuhsi wouldn't stop him from trying to get Dazai to notice him!

 Atsushi was also dressed in a suit. Not exactly as formal as what Akutagawa was wearing, but it was still a suit. Akutagawa found that rather... Weird? That Atsushi would be dressing so formal for no reason... While Akutagawa actually did have a reason to be dressing formal at this party like this.

 Akutagawa just stood in the corner of the room, while he watched everyone else have fun.

Dazai: "Hey, Akutagawa! Why don't you come over here with us and have some fun!"

Akutagawa: "I'd rather would just stay here..."

Dazai: "Why? I mean it was your choice to come to this party after all! If you don't want to be here, then you can just leave you know."

Akutagawa: "No! I won't leave..."

Dazai: "Then come over here with us and have some fun! It isn't going to be much of a party if you just stand there the whole time..."

Akutagawa: "Fine then... I guess I'll just go with you..."

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