Step #3

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 The next morning, Akutagawa had texted Atsushi if he wanted to hangout with him.


Akutagawa: "hey Jinko!"

Atsushi: "oh hey Aku"

Akutagawa: "I was wondering if we could hangout at the park today or something?"

Atsushi: "oh ok sure! what time?"

Akutagawa: "maybe around 2pm or something?"

Atsushi: "oh alr! I'll be there!"

Akutagawa: "great I'm excited!"

。 。 。

 Akutagawa really wanted to see Atsushi again. He was super excited. Akutagawa got into his day-off clothes and waiting for it to be around 2PM.

 But that's when Akutagawa thought about something... What if Atsushi didn't actually like him and wanted to be his friend? What if he was just playing along... No, that couldn't be it! Atsushi would've never agreed or asked to hangout with Akutagawa if he didn't want to be his friend...

。 。 。

 At 2PM, at the park, Atsushi had arrived at the park, and was waiting for Akutagawa to come. Then he spotted Akutagawa coming over to him.

Atsushi: "Oh hey, Akutagawa!"

Akutagawa: "Hi, Jinko!"

 Atsushi gestured Akutagawa to follow him onto the trail, so that he look for bugs or small animals.

Akutagawa: "I'm so happy to see you again, Jinko!"

Atsushi: "Me to, Akutagawa!" Even know he knew it was a lie. Or was it...

 They started to walk along the trail, and for a few minutes, there a silence between them...

 That's when Atsushi spotted a small family of roly polys on the trail, that they were right about to step on.

Atsushi: "Wait a sec..."

 Then Atsushi kneeled onto the ground, and put out his finger to the roly polys on the ground. Akutagawa watched as the roly polys went onto Atsushi's finger. Atsushi  had a wholesome smile on his face. Akutagawa couldn't help but smile as well at the sight of this. Akutagawa thought that it was really cute of Atsushi to do.

Akutagawa: "That's really cute, Jinko."

 Atsushi slightly blushed.

Atsushi: "O-Oh? Thank you, I guess... I just really like these little things."

Akutagawa: "That's nice..."

Atsushi: "Yeah..."

 Then Atsushi went over to the grass on the side of the trail, and put the roly polys back in there.

。 。 。

 After they had a little walk on the trail, Akutagawa and Atsushi went to go get some ice-cream, that was on the other side of the park.

Atsushi: "What kind of flavor would you like, Akutagawa?"

Akutagawa: "I'll just have a strawberry one, I guess."

Atsushi: "You know what, I'll have that flavor as well!"

 Atsushi paid for of their ice-cream, and they bench to go sit on one of the tables nearby.

Atsushi: "So how is it, Akutagawa?"

Akutagawa: "It's actually really good! I haven't had ice-cream in a long time, actually... What about yours?"

Atsushi: "Mine is really good as well!"

。 。 。

 After they both finished their ice-creams and were about to leave, Akutagawa stopped Atsushi.

Akutagawa: "Wait, Jinko, before you leave!"

Atsushi: "Yeah, what is it?"

 Then Akutagawa leaned over to Atsushi, and kissed cheek.

Atsushi: "I-I..."

 Atsushi's face was super red.  Akutagawa was also slightly blushing.

 Then Akutagawa smiled and walked off.

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