Saturday (Part II)

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HELLO, HELLO, I AM BACK. I HAVE BEEN WORKING SO HARD ON MY STORIES OUTSIDE OF WATTPAD SO PLEASE IF YOU HAVE ANY OF THE SOCIALS IN THE DOCUMENT BELOW, GO FOLLOW THEM! I post the stories to the Twitter account mostly, and there's none out yet but please expect the first one to come out late June or early July! 

Writing has always been something I aspired, and I love sharing my stories with you guys! I'm so sorry to keep you waiting for this long but I am FINALLY continuing with another chapter for y'all! Also, I HAVEN'T watched the new season yet— I KNOW, I KNOW, BUT I'LL GET TO IT SOON! So, if I get things wrong relating to the new season, please expect it! Onto the story now!!!

 Atsushi left Akutagawa's house with a sense of relief and confidence in himself. It felt so random for Akutagawa to be so—I mean they HAD spent a lot of time together recently, but something felt off... Well, he liked Akutagawa, too! Right?

 No, not that way—

 As Atsushi made his way back to his place, he couldn't stop thinking about his new "friend." He was happy, but something was off. He had this pounding in his chest that wouldn't leave him alone. He felt like he was obsessing over Aku too much, but for all the wrong reasons...

 Later that night, Atsushi couldn't get himself to fall asleep AT ALL. He just couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier that day! He was going insane.

 That's when a thought occurred in his sleepless head. His eyes closed, then became wide open as he realized.

 What if I'm gay for Akutagawa?

 No, no , no, no, no— NO!!!

 There was no ABSOLUTE way he could! Why would he like his enemy? Well—not enemy anymore, huh? Friend. They were friends now. No more planning the final step so he didn't get absolutely demolished by Aku. No fearing for the worst when that 6th month came. They were friends and now all is chill.

 However, when the thought first occurred that Atushi might have a thing for the vampire boy, he couldn't stop silently screaming into his pillow. I mean wtf?! How was that even possible? I mean, with everything that has happened, I guess it would make sense—

 The concept of him having a crush for Aku was interesting, but crazy. He couldn't just come to conclusions with his feelings, though. As he fell asleep that night, he decided to just keep it in the back of his mind before he figures out if he really likes him or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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