4 Months

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 The next day, Atsushi was thinking about what he should for step #3 of trying to befriend Akutagawa...

Atsushi: "Hmm... What should I do for step #3..." Atsushi mumbled to himself.

 That's when Dazai suddenly came into Atsushi's room and scared him.

Dazai: "Whatcha doing Atsushi?"

Atsushi: "AH! You scared me Dazai..."

Dazai: "Oops! Sorry!"

Atsushi: "It's fine..." Anyway, what do you want, Dazai?"

Dazai: "What's this?"

 Then Dazai went over and took the paper from step #1 and step #2 of ways to befriend Akutagawa.

Atsushi: "WAIT, DON'T LOOK AT THAT DAZAI!!!" Atsushi shouted.

Dazai: "Hmm... So this is what you've been doing the past few weeks, Atsushi..."


Dazai: "You must like Akutagawa, now don't you?" Dazai said with an annoying smile on his face.

Atsushi: "NO, I DON'T!"

Dazai: "Of course you don't, Atsushi... Of course..."

Atsushi: "Please, just go away, Dazai..."

Dazai: "Alright, if you insist!"

 Then Dazai put the papers with Atsushi's ideas on them back down, and left Atsushi's room.

Atsushi: "Ugh... He can just be so annoying sometimes..." Atsushi thought to himself.

 Then Atsushi continued to write down more ideas for step #3.

 But that's when Atsushi realized something... It had now been 4 months since Akutagawa made the promise to Atsushi... Even if Akutagawa decided that he wasn't going to kill him anymore, Atsushi couldn't trust that... So he had to do something before it was too late...

 But what would step #3 be? Atsushi kept thinking, and thinking... That's when Atsushi had a great idea! Maybe for step #3, he could do something like save a bug or an animal in front of Akutagawa? It would show Akutagawa that he was a good person and was somewhat wholesome. That would definitely gain more of Akutagawa's trust! He would go to the park with Akutagawa, and find a bug on the trail and put it back on the grass. There had to be some kind of bug on the trail right? But that would be a great idea!

P.S. When I fucking tell you I ran out of ideas at this part- LIKE ATSUSHI WTF KINDA IDEA IS THAT?

 But then Atsushi had another thought... What if he had already befriended Akutagawa and gained this trust? Well either way, it definitely wasn't confirmed by Atsushi himself!

 Because soon those 6 months would be over, and Atsushi only had small amount of time before Akutagawa was going to kill him... And possibly even kill others...

The 6th Month - Atsushi x AkutagawaWhere stories live. Discover now