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 Well, maybe Atsushi could buy something for Akutagawa... Wait, that was it! He could gain his trust by doing this. Then this would be step #1 to try to befriend Akutagawa before the 6th month came!

Akutagawa: "Hey, Jinko? I think we should sleep now, I'm tired.." Akutagawa said while yawning.

Atsushi: "Oh, alright!"

 Now that he thought of it, Atsushi was also kind of tired. He then yawned as well.

 Then Atsushi tried to get comfortable in the hard bed. Somehow he ended up falling asleep only after a few minutes. Maybe he was just really tired...

。 。 。

 An hour later, Atsushi found himself waking up. He peered over the bed, to see how well Akutagawa was sleeping. Akutagawa looked really uncomfortable, and Atsushi noticed that he was half asleep, with only his eyes closed. As much as Atsushi hated Akutagawa, he couldn't help but feel bad for him...

 Atsushi wanted to help Akutagawa feel comfortable. So Atsushi, very quietly, got out of the bed and went over to Akutagawa. He got on the floor beside Akutagawa, and from behind, put his arms around Akutagawa slowly. Akutagawa opened his eyes, kind of shocked, and turned his head around to see Atsushi there. He blushed a lot. Did Atsushi actually care about him? He turned his head back and closed his eyes again. He kind of liked the idea that Atsushi... Or really just anybody... Would care about him just enough to do something like this for him. He would've never imagined that someone like Atsushi would be doing something like for him.. He still hated Atsushi and Atsushi still hated him, but Akutagawa loved this moment right now...

 Then Akutagawa put his hand on Atsushi's head. Atsushi blushed a little bit.

Akutagawa: "Goodnight, Jinko..." Akutagawa said really quietly and sleeply.

Atsushi: "G-Goodnight to you too, Akutagawa..." Atsushi replied while yawning quietly.

The 6th Month - Atsushi x AkutagawaWhere stories live. Discover now