Step #4

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 Atsushi decided that he would text Akutagawa himself this time to do step #4.


Atsushi: "hey Aku!"

Akutagawa: "hey Jinko"

Atsushi: "don't you have a gaming council at your place?"

Akutagawa: "ya why?"

Atsushi: "I was wondering if I could come over and we could play on it together"

Akutagawa: "oh ya sure!"

Atsuhsi: "ok what time do you think is good?"

Akutagawa: "maybe at like 1pm tomorrow?"

Atsushi: "ok I'll be there then!"

。 。 。

 That night while Atsushi was sleeping, he had that dream again...

 It had Akutagawa sitting really close to him. Their faces close together. Both of their faces red. Just like like last times he had this dream... Expect this time, it was less blurry. He could feel Akutagawa's hands on the side of his head... Atsushi was looking at Akutagawa's eyes...

 But then the dream ended. Atsushi had woken up, and it was time to get ready to hangout with Akutagawa.

。 。 。

 Atsushi knocked on Akutagawa's door slowly. Akutagawa opened his door to see Atsushi standing there.

Akutagawa: "Hello, Jinko! Come on in!"

 Atsushi walked on into Akutagawa's house.

Atsushi: "So what kind of games do you have on that thing?"

Akutagawa: "Oh, just some Nintendo games... Nothing much."

Atsushi: "That's still cool though! I'm excited to play with you."

 Akutagawa blushed slightly.

Akutagawa: "Thanks, I guess..."

 Akutagawa got the Nintendo switch set up so that they could play on it.

 They started to play a little bit together, and then Atsushi decided to ask some questions about Akutagawa.

Atsushi: "Hey, Akutagawa? What's your favorite food?"

Akutagawa: "Oh, I personally like dango. It's really sweet! What about you, Jinko?"

Atsushi: "Oh, that's cool. I like curry..."

Akutagawa: "Yeah, curry is really good!"

 Akutagawa smiled at Atsushi and Atsushi's face turned a red a little bit.

 A little bit later, after asking a few more questions, Atsushi wanted to know a little bit more about Akutagawa's past.

Atsushi: "So you and your sister, Gin, were also orphans?"

 Akutagawa was silence for a moment, not wanting to be reminded of his past.

Akutagawa: "Yeah..."

Atsushi: "What was it like?"

Akutagawa: I'd rather not talk about it..."

Atsushi: "Oh, sorry. That's alright though."

 Atsushi felt kind of bad bringing up a rather triggering topic to Akutagawa. He realized that he also probably wouldn't have wanted to talk about his past either...

。 。 。

 They talked and played video games for a few hours after that. They kept asking each other questions and getting to know more about each other. It was really fun.

 It was starting to become evening now.

Atsushi: "I think it's time for me to go now..."

Akutagawa: "Yeah... I had a really good time though, Jinko.

Atsushi: "I got to know a lot about you, Akutagawa."

Akutagawa: "Yeah, me too... You're a really cool person, Jinko."

 Atsushi slightly blushed.

Atsushi: "You are too, Akutagawa."

 Then Atsushi caught himself staring at Akutagawa's lips for a few seconds. He quickly snapped himself out of it.

Atsushi: "Anyway, I'll see you later!"

Akutagawa: "Yeah!"

 They both waved goodbye to each other as Atsushi left Akutagawa's place.

   Step #4 a success!

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