Chapter Twelve

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Ember's POV

I slowly wake up, groaning and blinking my eyes a few times to adjust to the bright light. Sebastian's arm was tightly wrapped around my waist, he was still asleep. He's so freaking cute. I lay in the bed, trying not to move. I then let my thoughts consume me, realizing what day it is. Today is the last day. It feels unreal, how have nine months gone by this quickly? I'm not ready to leave yet, I love it here.

About an hour later, we had gotten up. We're both upset, knowing what is going to happen later. It sucks, is what it is. I can't do anything to stop it.

Sebastian and I are now walking out of our room, to enjoy our last day together with our friends. He found Christian and went to the gym, like they do every morning. I found Riley and Jada at our favourite bar, I sat down next to them.

"I'm going to miss two guys so much." Riley said with a sigh.

"Same." Jada and I said.

"Let's make a promise, to stick together and not forget about one another." Jada suggested, I nodded in agreement. So did Riley.

"I promise." We all said.

Jada, Riley and I had talked for about three hours until we all left and went back to our rooms. We only have about two hours until we all leave. I made sure that I had gotten everyone's numbers, Jada, Riley, Christian and Andre. We want to stay in touch, and this is the only way we can do so. It's going to be hard, because of the distance but we promised. I'm just hoping we can keep that promise.

Sebastian and I have been packing, but it only took like twenty minutes. We're now laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling and not saying anything. What is there to say?

"I'm going to miss this." Sebastian said with a sigh, breaking the silence .

"Me too."

"I can't believe it's been nine months already, it's crazy."

"I know, it's scary."

"It is."

We wrapped our arms around each other, sighing and holding one another close.

"I enjoyed this so much, thank you for coming with me. It was so worth it." I said with a smile, he smiled and placed a kiss on my cheek.


It's time to get off, everyone is running off and finding the ones they love. They're hugging them, kissing, crying, and talking with such joy in their eyes. So many emotions, gosh.

Sebastian and I are holding each other's hands, I feel a bit anxious. There are so many people it's stressing me out. He sensed it and squeezed my hand, then kissed my cheek. I frowned at the short kiss and he laughed. He's so cute.

We finally got to walk off after waiting for about ten minutes, I looked around trying to spot Aria but couldn't see her. There were so many people, it got harder to breathe. It's okay, it's okay, your okay.

"Relax baby, everything's okay." Sebastian said, gently grabbing my face with his hands and connecting our lips.

"Really, you bitches? You've had nine months to fuck each other, did you not miss me at all?" I recognize that voice immediately, it's Aria. I pulled away from Sebastian and ran to her. I heard him laughing and I laughed too. We wrapped our arms around each other and squeezed tightly. Nine months without her, it feels so weird to see her.

"I missed you so much." I said.

"I missed you to." She said and then we pulled away.

"It's been so long, I've missed you so much!" She says with tears in her eyes.

"Don't get sappy on me." I said with a laugh, in response she shoved me.

"Still a bitch." She muttered and I laughed.

"You know it."

"Shut it."

Noah's POV

I've been debating on going to see Ember for two weeks now, today is the day I have to make my decision. She most likely doesn't want to see me, and that's understandable. It hurts though. It hurts because I still love her, and she doesn't love me anymore. I get why she doesn't, I wouldn't either.

I sigh and try to decide if Im going to go. If she sees me, it will probably make her upset and I don't want that to happen. This is so confusing and so hard, everything is. I should've treated her better, I would still have her. She would've never left and she would never be with that Sebastian.

I'm an idiot, really. She deserves so much better than me, she deserves the world. My decision is made, I'm going to go and see her.


It's been about twenty minutes of waiting. I know she probably doesn't want to see me, but I decided to show up anyway. She doesn't have to see me, but I have to see her. I need to see her.

I saw Aria in the crowd of people, waiting for her. I didn't let Aria see me though, she would be pissed if she knew I was here. Aria hates me, she absolutely hates me. Luke probably does to, which sucks. We were really good friends, but I fucked up. Just like I fucked up Ember and I's relationship. I fuck up everything. It's all my fault, and I take full responsibility for it.

I look around trying to spot Ember and my heart freezes when I see Sebastian holding her face, connecting their lips. I watched it for a few seconds but turned away quickly, I couldn't stand to see it.

This cannot be real.

Hey everyone, what did you think of this chapter? Please vote if you can, and comment, I love seeing y'all's comments, it's so motivating. Also, answer the question if you guys want too! It will determine what happens in the book! Much love <3

Question: Team Noah Or Team Sebastian?

Tiktok: she.luvs.writing

Word Count: 1007

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