Chapter Five

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⚠️This chapter has a scene which can be triggering for many, this is your warning⚠️

Ember's POV

"Excuse me?"

"Don't go in there." Noah says, anger clearly in his tone.

"Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"I don't have to listen to you, leave me alone."

Noah glared at Sebastian and I, then walked away with a shake of his head. I sighed.

"I think we should stay away from each other from now on." Sebastian sighed, letting go of my hand.

"What? Why?"

"He apparently doesn't like it, I don't want any trouble."

"I don't care if he likes it or not, it's my life, not his."

Sebastian sighed and walked away from me, towards the crowd.

"Sebastian, please!" I begged, grabbing onto his arm.

"Ember, leave."

I let go of his arm, and ran out of the building with tears in my eyes. Once I got on a road, I let the tears fall.

I feel numb, I can't feel my emotions. My body, my heart, I act like it's there, like I'm fine. But honestly, my own brain is confusing me.

You give too much of yourself to someone and they'll always end up wanting more, until you lose who you are. That's how it always works.

I see why they call it falling in love, because it's hard to catch yourself past a certain point and once you fall, it takes a long fucking time to pick yourself back up. But when your in love, you feel as if your flying, soaring out of the cliff you fell down.

I fucking hate my life, I always get shit on.

A truck slowed and stopped next to me, of course it's him. The door opened and Noah stepped out, pissed.

"Really, Ember? I thought we were doing good, but you were going to fuck him behind my back!"

"So you want to play the victim?" I asked with a laugh, not believing he has the audacity to act like he hasn't done anything.

"What?" He questioned, confused.

"Stop acting so innocent. I saw Grace touching you and grinding on your lap, you were squeezing her ass. You fucking enjoyed it."

His eyes were wide, and he was speechless.

"Yeah, I fucking saw it. Don't act so innocent, you did the same thing."

"I didn't fuck her." He sighed.

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not, I didn't fuck her."

"Then where were you the entire night?"

He sighed but didn't respond, of course. I laughed and shook my head, continuing to walk.

"That's what I thought."

"I'm sorry."

After time, sorry loses its value that it once had. It loses its power to recover the ashes of the heart.

"I don't want to hear it."

A few seconds passed and he spoke again.

"Get in the car, I will take you home." I got in his car.

"Listen, I-" He started.

"Just fucking take me home, and if you can't do that, let me out." He sighed and began driving.

The rest of the ride was silent, thankfully.

We arrived at my dorm and I quickly got out, walking towards the building.

"Ember-" He started.

"Leave me the fuck alone, I don't want to talk to you."

I stormed up to my room, opened the door and slammed it behind me. I'm feeling to many emotions, to many for me to handle.

Noah's POV

I drove away from her dorm, ashamed at myself. I feel like shit, I feel horrible for what I did. Why did I do it? I'm such an asshole, she deserves so much better than me.

Why did I do it?

I love Ember, I love her so much. Why do I keep hurting her?

Grace is absolutely nothing to me, I only use her for my pleasure and to make Ember jealous. I did fuck her tonight, and I lied about it. I should've told the truth. I'm so fucking stupid. Why do I keep hurting her? Why, why, why? So many damn questions with no answers.

I'm scared that Ember is going to leave me for someone else, especially that dude Sebastian. I'm pretty sure they have fucked, and if they did it once, who says they haven't or won't do it again? I love her so much, and if she leaves me, I will be broken from it. I cannot lose her, she's my everything.

It's fucking terrible to love someone but live in fear that they're going to leave or hurt you. We'll break someone else's heart before they break ours because we're scared. We don't want to be the one hurt, or broken. We'd rather be the asshole that hurt someone. What a cruel fucking world.

Ember's POV


I walk to my bathroom and grab my razor, I can't feel anything. I need to feel something, it's been a long time since I've had to do this.

I press the razor to my left wrist and start to cut over my old scars, enjoying the sting and sight of the blood. I can finally feel something, and it feels so good.

I continued to cut until I felt satisfied at the burning pain and blood covering my entire wrist. I begin to feel lightheaded and I fell onto the floor, I barely felt it.

In less than a minute, everything went black.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and didn't get triggered by it. I put a warning, and there will most likely be more in the future chapters so please pay attention to them. Some words from this chapter are from Caitlin Kelly's books, go check them out. They are amazing. I have good news, I'm going to start publishing more than once a week! If you guys have any thoughts or suggestions you would like to share with me, please comment them down below. Also, if you all could vote for my book, it would mean the absolute world to me! Much love <3

Tiktok: slxtforhimm

Word Count: 1005

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