Chapter 4

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Adeline's POV

It had been a couple hours since anyone came down here , since HE came down here . I was starting to feel the affects of not eating those delicious pancakes .

I looked up as I heard the door open and I heard footsteps coming down the hallway , and by the way my heart jumped I'm guessing it's my mate. Soon I saw him and he opened the door . I thought he was coming to get me out but boy was I wrong .

He came up to me and wrapped his hand around my neck tightly , now I would have been turned on if it was for the fact I was starting to loose air .

" Who the fuck sent you? " Was all he asked.

" What? " was all I could ask . But I was starting to loose air and his hold on my neck was just getting tighter . And the sparks I was feeling everywhere were making me even more overwhelmed.

" Who fucking sent you , and why do you smell as if you were my mate " was all he asked again getting angrier .

" I don- don't know what you're —- " was all I got to say as I felt myself passing out .

" Grayson ! , you're going to kill her " I heard stranger 1 say .

He looked down at me before letting go of my neck and throwing me harshly on the ground . I quickly grabbed my neck finally getting some air . I gasped for air a couple times still feeling like I had his hands around my neck .

" She looks like she's being honest , look at her " stranger 1 said . They both looked down at me and watched me for a while .

" There's Just no way " was all he said still looking at me . He then bent down and ran a finger down my arm causing me to shiver and sparks to run down my arm and throughout my body .

" Grayson—- " he started but was cut off .

" They are there Colby " was all he said. Hmmm so strangers 1 name is Colby. And my mate was Grayson , hmmm .

" you know if it was a witch you wouldn't have been able to feel the sparks as much as you do , they wouldn't have been as strong as real ones . " said Colby .

" I know " was all he said as he looked down at me .

Soon after they left without saying a word and once again I was left with pain all over my body .


After what I believe to have been 2 days Colby came down here opened the door and told me to follow him .

I cautiously got up and limped his way , my body was weak from not getting any food and plus when Grayson threw me down I think he hurt something and I've been dealing with this pain for the past 2 days .

I saw as he frowned his eyebrows seeing as I was limping and weak . He patiently waited for me until finally he sighed and just came and picked me up causing me to flinch away from him due to the pain I was feeling through my whole body .

" What happened to you ? " he asked but I just ignored him and stayed silent . He let out a sigh and looked down at me. 

" Look I'm sorry for leaving you down here and for what that other dude did to you , but we had strict orders not to get you out yet . And as of that man he got taken care of . " he said .

I just stayed silent not once looking at him , I did not need apologies from him , he technically hadn't done anything to me , who needed to come and apologize was Grayson .

" So what's your real name " was all he asked .

" Lucy " was all I said back.

" come on we both know that's not your real name " he said.

" Yes, it is " I said raising a brow at him.

" No it isn't " he said again.

" How are you going to tell me my name isn't Lucy when it 100% is " I said back .

He just stared at me with a face waiting for me to tell him my real name .

" Adeline " I whispered.

" Adeline.. Nice , you got a last name Adeline? " he asked .

" I don't know what my last name is " I said getting sad at the fact I don't know what my last name is .

He just looked down at me and didn't say anything believing what I said .

Soon he led me out the door and onto a path , I covered my eyes the sun being too bright for my poor eyes that hadn't seen the light in four days .

After 5 minutes of walking he led me to a beautiful 2 story White House , I just admired every bit of it . I had never been inside a beautiful home like this . I've only ever stayed in the woods on the ground or once in a while I would stay in cheap motels .

He walked through the front door and in front of me stood a big stair case that led up to what looked like a hallway filled with doors .

He walked up the stairs and went down the hallways and made a left turn and took me to the last door I looked behind him and noticed another door right in front but all the way on the other side .

" This is your room , you have clothes in the closet and everything you could need is in the bathroom " said Colby .

" Thank you " was all I said as he set me down on my feet causing me to bite my lip hard as to not make a sound .

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