Chapter 50

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Adeline's POV

I woke up to someone kissing all over my face , I slowly opened my eyes and the shut them . My eyes were swollen and I could feel them .

" Hey baby " I said as I opened my eyes again.

And there stood hope , she was identical to her father , before I didn't remember how he looked but now that I do I see she's the splitting image of him. Only thing she got from me were my dimples .

" Did you eat already baby? " I asked her and she just nodded her head as she laid on me and hugged me .

" She ate already , and I gave her a bath " said Avery . As she gave me a small smile .

" Thank you " I told her . She gave me a quick nod and then closed the door behind her . I looked at the clock and it was 9am .

I started playing with hopes hair and soon enough I felt her fall asleep .I moved her so that she was laying down beside me instead of on me , and she instantly moved closer to me so she was touching me .

I hugged her and moved her closer to me and soon enough I fell back asleep.


I woke up to hope playing with my hair as she watched me , as soon as I opened my eyes she gave me a big smile .

" Ma ma " she said as she fell on me and hugged me .

I looked at the clock on the bedside table and noticed it was now 3pm . I slept through the whole day almost.

" ma ma " she said again pointing outside this time .

" ok baby let's take you outside for a bit " I told her as I forced myself to get up.

After changing into some sweats and a oversized hoodie I picked her up and headed outside , I put my sunglasses on my face as the sun blinded me .

My parents had added a little playground for hope , and she loved being out here . I sat down on the ground as she waddled around , I pulled my knees to my chest as I just sat there remembering everything I couldn't before about Grayson.


I can't believe I didn't even remember his name.

" Adeline " I heard behind me causing me to jump.

I looked behind me to see my brother Aiden, he looked worried as he looked down at me .

" Will you be okay? " he asked me as he sat down next to me .

" I was okay before" I told him.

" But you couldn't remember him before , now you can " he said .

I just sighed as I looked up at Hope , just in time to see her trip. She looked up at me as her eyes got big and teary .

" It's okay baby , Get up you got it " I told her as I opened my arms so she could come to me .

" See nothing happened " said Aiden as he rubbed her head .

" She's not a dog " I told him while laughing .

" Well technically... " he started but was cut off as we heard a twig snap. We both tensed up and looked in the direction of the sound .

I hugged hope closer to me as we waited to see , we stood still trying to listen to anything that could be out of the normal . Then we heard it again, this time we stood up . If something came at us we would be dead down there .

I saw Aiden call people as I saw his eyes change , meaning he was mind linking someone . This time we heard it closer , something or someone was coming .

" Let's start heading back " he said as he pushed me in the direction of the house. But then 6 wolfs jumped out from the woods , not giving us time to run in .

" Shit " I heard behind me .

I quickly turned to see who it was and there stood Avery looking nervous as she watched the wolves approach us .

" Avery what the fuck are you doing outside " said my brother now looking even more nervous as his mate , sister and niece were now in danger .

He looked between the both of us , and I knew what he was thinking ...

He was trying to figure out which one of the two of us he would save. I looked between him and Avery and I knew what the answer was , I was not gonna let anything happen to any of us.

I handed Hope to Avery knowing she would never let anything happen to Hope . She would protect her .

" When they run at us , you run inside and you hide okay Avery? Let whoever is inside know to hide . Go to the secret spot , do not come out till one of us comes and gets you . " i told her as she looked behind me .

" Avery look at me , tell me you will do what I just told you " I told her but once again she was focused on Aiden .

" Avery! " I said again.

" Yes , I'll protect her . Just be careful okay? " she said now holding Hope tighter .

I just gave her a nod as I looked back towards the wolfs as there were now 7 , Jesus Christ where were they coming from? .

" You should go to " said Aiden as he looked at the wolfs that were now adding up.

" Are you crazy? I'm not leaving you out here alone. I Can fight " i told him.

" Adeline. " he said .

" Aiden " I said back . With a sigh he just nodded his head and looked around .

" Just stay behind me ok? We will watch each others back " he said .

All I did was nod . I have all this pain inside and I need to let it out somehow , and this is how I was going to do it .

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